In this episode, Arnie and Fred discuss two of the theories skeptics have proposed over the years to explain the empty tomb Jesus' body had been in. We begin by looking at a number of passages written by the witnesses that show that Jesus' body had in fact been in Joseph of Arimathea's new sepulcher. The apostles who wrote the accounts and others mentioned therein had witnessed that fact. The first theory we look at was proposed by a Dr. who taught at the Harvard Divinity School in 1907.  His theory was that those involved went to the wrong tomb and found it empty.  We talk about the individuals who were involved in burying Jesus and the fact that they were acutely aware of the location of the tomb He was put in. We discuss the knowledge the chief priests and the soldiers who guarded had of its location. We note that its location would be a matter of official Roman record as well. We then look at the theory that the body was stolen by the disciples, the Romans or the Jews. We look at obvious reasons this is simply not true. Take about thirty minutes to listen in on our conversation. Have your Bible handy so you can verify what we are saying. There is a transcript provided of this Buzzsprout episode for your convenience.