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In this fourth episode about the church that Jesus built, Arnie and Fred discuss the fact that the Bible says the Lord's church has no earthly organization except the local congregation. We note that Jesus says He has all authority in heaven and in earth and thus He is the only central authority. Consequently, there is no such thing as a diocese or similar organization in the Lord's church. We talk about the local congregations which represent the only earthly organization that the Lord set up. We note that each local church is separate from others. We look at passages that show us that each congregation had its own elders which are also called overseers and shepherds. We talk about those words. We also look at the extensive qualifications for these spiritual leaders that the Lord specifies in order for one to be an elder.  We note two passages that discuss the work they are responsible for doing. We end this episode by looking at the fact that each congregation also had servants that were also referred to as deacons. Like the elders, the Lord specified certain qualifications that they had to meet in order to serve in that capacity. Take about 30-minutes to listen in on our discussion. Have your Bible handy so you can verify what we are saying. There is a transcript provided for your convenience.