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Arnie and Fred continue to discuss the church that Jesus built according to what the Bible says. We begin this episode by looking at passages where Jesus discusses the church He was going to build. We learn from one of the Bible passages that He also refers to His church as His kingdom. We also learn when this would occur as well as the place it would happen at. We discuss the passage where Jesus tells us the people who would be involved as well. Jesus is also specific as to the doctrine that would be established and of course He would be the builder. We next move to the place in the Bible that reveals the fulfillment of what Jesus said. We look at all of the passages in Acts chapter 2 where all that Jesus said about His church/kingdom was fulfilled. We discuss how important this information is to us today in understanding the church that Jesus built. Take about 30 -minutes to listen to this episode. Have your Bible handy so you can verify what we are saying. There is a transcript of this Buzzsprout episode provided for your convenience.