About a year has passed from the time we leave John chapter five and the time we begin John chapter six. The is the third Passover that we see take place during the ministry of Jesus. Jesus begins to teach, and a large crowd gathers to hear Him. After awhile, Jesus feeds this huge crowd (5,000 men + women and children) with two small fish and five small loaves of bread.
The next day, Jesus tells His disciples that He is the Bread of Life (vs. 33). There are some in the crowd who do not believe that Mary and Joseph’s son could possibly be the Son of God. Jesus compares Himself to the manna from heaven in the Old Testament, and shows that unlike those who ate the manna, those who eat His flesh and drink His blood will live forever.
Not quite understanding, many in the crowd find Jesus’ teaching too hard. Now, some disciples begin to abandon Jesus. (John 6:1-71)