While the first eighteen verses of John 1 introduce the divine nature of Jesus, verse 19-51 introduce the human nature of Jesus. John uses the final half of his first chapter to introduce Jesus. He does so by recording the events of one week in the life of Christ. In this week we see Jesus introduced and baptized by John the Baptist. We see Jesus call his first disciples and, at the beginning of chapter two, perform his first miracle. John the Baptist calls Jesus the Lamb of God, in a beautiful foretelling of Christ’s purpose on earth. Jesus uses a term for himself that is unique in that only Jesus and Stephen, the Martyr used it: Son of Man. It is a picture of Jesus willful obedience to the Father. He was literally the will of God. (John 1:19-51; Luke 1:13-17, 42-44, 76; Malachai 4:5-6; Matthew 11:11; Genesis 22; 28:12; John 1:14)