Do you ever have trouble falling asleep? Well, worry no more! The Calm app, known for it's relaxing sleep stories meant to help you get some shut eye, released a Wonka inspired sleep story, which means we had to get our hands on it STAT. We know, it's EXACTLY what you've been dreaming of! We review and analyze our newest Wonka (Hank/Henry Wonka) talk in depth about dream analysis with goats, and sing a lil' song at the end because, why not? Don't sleep on this episode! Heh heh heh.


To keep up-to-date on all things Wonka, be sure to follow us on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter @wonkawatch.

We'd love to hear your concerns (it'd be unhealthy if you didn't have any). Email us at [email protected]

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Cover Art by Reilly Branson:

Links Referenced (because even Wonka Scholars cite their sources):

To learn all about what goats mean in your dreams: