Previous Episode: #16: No Kids Allowed
Next Episode: #18: Sabo-tender Moments

We pretend we have bad microphones like the producers do and break down what stuck out to us from the live letter.

We got a huge dump of news and reveals for Shadowbringers, though we had to wade through a pretty rough stream to get there. We break down our favorite changes from the massive list of announcements and speculate on what we think we’ll see that was announced yet. We talk a lot about job and role changes, new quest formats, and several other exciting tidbits from the latest producer live letter.

We have some shared emotions with the FFXIV production crew, who are all exhausted in the lead-up to the game, while some (one) of us is just hung over because he can’t say no to free shots, and we try to recreate a little bit of the technical difficulties they were so (un)fortunate to experience.

Finally we tuck in to the penultimate NPC pronunciation for this season (apparently!) and talk a little bit about what we’ve been doing in the game, which at this point is really just odds and ends. Is it 5.0 time yet?

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Christina Zammarrelli

Chip Locke

Kristen Allison

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