#9 How you start your day will influence all that follows. If you prime your mind-set and heart set toward your goals and shift your focus on mindfulness, success and feeling good, thats where your energy will go throughout the rest of the day and that’s where you will have the right results. 

In this Episode, I share my morning routine with you. Take what you need.

Books mentioned in Episode:

Hal Elrod - Miracle Morning

Julia Cameron – The artist way

Quotes mentioned in this Episode:

“Begin to notice what you have in your life through the lens of gratitude, you don’t see as many obstacles or hindrances. You see potential, you see possibilities. Then you become an open vehicle for more inspiration, more wisdom, more guidance, coming from the spiritual part of your being. “ - Michael Bernard Beckwith

“We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.”  ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Keep in touch! 

Instagram: @nicoledavidow

Facebook: Nicole Davidow Life Coaching


[email protected]

Much Love and Dream BIG!

