Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!

Sweet listeners! This is the final episode of Season One of Wonderfully Done! Wow! Seriously, thank you for being with us and sharing in this space. We thought we’d do something fun and fresh before taking a little season break!


In this episode, we revisit a game from our highschool days: Seven Minutes in Heaven. In our version, we’re answering four of your questions, but each question only gets seven minutes! This episode is chaos in the funnest of ways, and we absolutely plan for a round two!


The topics we cover are:

How to be a total baddie, and the key to our personal confidence
How to open the door to chatting about sex and relationships with your pals, and encouraging sex positive culture in groups
How to recover after an unreturned affection from someone in the workplace
Defining intimacy in the context of our relationships - ie. physical, emotional, etc


Creators Mentioned in this episode:

Book Recommendation: ‘Sex and Social Media’

Written by Katrin Tiidenberg (Tallinn University, Estonia) and Emily van der Nagel (Monash University, Australia)
A juicy book exploring the intersection of sex & social media 
Lauren and Vix were both participants in the research for this book
Buy your own copy of the book here: https://bit.ly/3gtMIHK

Book Recommendation: ‘Love 2.0’ by Barbara L. Fredrickson

It’s all about ‘Creating Happiness and Health in Moments of Connection’
Really good, accessible, not too long! The idea that Love is made in moments and is frequent but recurring. Not a destination but a habit etc
Website: https://www.positivityresonance.com/ 

Artist Recommendation: Exotic Cancer

A wicked awesome illustrator and stripper who is also based in Melbourne Australia! We adore her work!!!
Website: https://exoticcancer.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exotic.cancer/ 


If you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!

Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!