Personal branding expert Samantha Ettus sheds light on her inspiration for her bestselling books, “The Experts’ Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know how to Do” and “The Pie Life: A Guilt-Free Recipe for Success and Satisfaction,” and gives valuable advice on how to live a happy, successful life while still tasting the goodness of every slice of the pie. From the “flex-time fantasy” eating away at your work time to nonexistent boundaries with clients disintegrating your personal life, Samantha reveals the fool-proof methods that successful women entrepreneurs have used to regain control of their relationships, their health, and their business. 

Time Stamped Show Notes:

00:50 – Samantha’s Inspiration 00:55 – Graduated business school and felt many CEO’s were boring and not intriguing 1:40 – She wondered how CEOs “with a spark beyond their job title” managed their speaking engagements, press, and personal brand? 2:00 – She decided to start a talent agency for personal brands 02:06 – Samantha’s Entrepreneurial Journey 02:10 - She pursued her first client, Strauss Zelnick, former CEO of BMG Music and media mogul, and built her client portfolio from there 02:34 - Thought she could survive only on commissions, but the percentage she got from ancillary projects wasn’t enough to sustain her firm 03:04 – She started taking a retainer because people would pay for PR 03:35 – Came up with a book idea: “The Experts’ Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know how to Do” 03:50 – She asked experts in their field to write a chapter to contribute to the book 04:06 – Book became a bestseller, she was signed for 3 more books with Random House, she closed her firm to focus on her books and babies 04:21 – Soon the books weren’t keeping her busy enough and she was seeking the “next thing” 04:47 – Samantha launched a talk show and Gary Vanderchuyk was her manager and producer 05:00 – Show was called “Obsessed TV,” and she interviewed amazing people 05:20 – Gary became more popular and didn’t want to manage/produce anymore and show was closed 05:30 – She got back into personal branding 05:39 – Learned that you can’t discuss personal branding without discussing the “elephant in the room”: How that person was managing their personal and professional life 05:45: Dedicated last 6 years to the study of this and concluded that we have faulty frameworks for how to think about work and life 06:00 – New model, new book: “The Pie Life: A Guilt-Free Recipe for Success and Satisfaction” 06:10 – Book consists of 100 interviews of 100 women discussing how they manage their personal and professional lives for success 06:15 – Advice for women entrepreneurs? 06:21 – Entrepreneurship is very different than the work/life of corporate America 06:30 – Entrepreneurship is much more difficult than people think, you are the only one accountable for your own boundaries and business success 07:15 – Beware of the “flex-time fantasy,” where you say yes to everything because of your “flexible” schedule; the attention your business needs will be compromised 07:50 – Don’t always be working/available to clients because your personal life will disappear 08:08 – The most successful entrepreneurs set clear boundaries 08:12 – Example: Writer who set work hours 10am-2pm, made it easier to say “no” 8:28 – Set your work hours 09:00 – Advice on cultivating friendships as an entrepreneur 09:04 – Never say your “friend well is full,” every seven years the average person loses ½ their friends 09:30 – As you go through life phases your needs change 09:50 – Breast cancer study: those with 10 or more friends have a 40% higher survival rate 10:15 – Entrepreneurs sometimes feel guilty hanging out with friends 10:30 –The most successful women don’t have guilt 10:49 – Productivity habits 11:00 – Time is a mindset, you can always have time for what you want to do 11:30 – The busier you are the more you can get done 11:44 – Samantha worked with woman to save her 6 hours a month of commuting 12:15 “Live within the golden triangle/line”: Home/office/(school) – Do all errands within that line or triangle to save time 12:37 – Wake up an hour before the earliest riser in your home 12:56 – Planning as far in advance as possible and using a calendar 13:28 – American Airlines saved $40,000 a year by eliminating one olive from each food tray in first class – Small changes make a big difference 13:45 – Discussing Perfection 13:50 – The best pies aren’t the perfect store-bought ones, they’re the messy, gooey homemade ones 14:02 – Perfection portrayed on social media (it’s the highlight reel) 14:37 – Don’t compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel 14:50 – How can we fit health into our busy entrepreneurial life? 15:00 – Just get it done – things will be messy, undone, put off 15:38 – Woman crying and feeling guilty because she “can’t” work out 16:07 – Finding a way to find a solution while partner watches kids 16:47 – Samantha goes on walks with friends or husband to fit relationship and health time “slices” into her schedule 17:00 – Scheduling doctor’s appointments for herself, not just her kids 17:15 – “Blending your slices” – Incorporating time with kids 17:22 – Share work with kids (logo contest with 6 year old son) 18:40 – Son became so passionate about his involvement as a “national judge” 18:57 – Former CEO of Harper-Collins Jean Friedman example 19:00 – She went to book parties every night and would share the exciting story with her kids 19:35 – Son is so proud of his mom 19:48 – You can live in guilt, apologizing for leaving/going to work/ etc., or you can show your kid that you are doing something exciting/good/that you love 20:00 – Child is more likely to love what they do and lead a life they love 20:30 – How to find out more about Samantha Samantha Ettus on Twitter and Facebook Website

3 Key Points:

They key to personal branding is how you manage your personal and professional life – it’ll never be perfect so don’t compare yourself to others. Successful entrepreneurs set clear boundaries so they maximize their productivity. Friends and family are important – “blend your slices” so that you have time to cultivate those relationships while still respecting your health and designated work time.

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneur's Organization – The EO Network Book: The Experts' Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do Book: The Pie Life: A Guilt-Free Recipe for Success and Satisfaction

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