Politics has historically been a man’s world, but in recent years women have come to the forefront of many influential political roles. Joni Wickham is a shining example of a strong woman in a political leadership role. She grew up reading newspapers and watching the nightly news as a child while spending time with her grandparents and originally planned to report on political events herself.

Fast-forward several years and Joni found herself in a position without power while a decision was being made to cut a social service that directly impacted her and her family. It was then that she decided to change her focus and have a seat at the decision-making table. She has since built a career in politics that culminated in her being named Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Kansas City, MO. 

Listen as Joni shares triumphs and failures she experienced in her political career and the skills and traits that have benefited her the most in her career. Ever resilient and hard-working, Joni has created a women’s empowerment initiative that has been implemented in several cities and benefits women seeking to build a political career.

Joni, like many of you, is smart, driven, motivated, and resourceful, but her path has not been easy. Hear her take on carving your own path and what it takes to be truly successful. Joni is an inspiration for all women seeking to have their voices heard in the political arena. Do you have what it takes? 

Show Notes: [02:15] Women in politics, how can you be successful in a difficult position?  [03:31] Welcome Joni Wickham! Learn how she found herself as a leader in the political forum. [07:01] What was like to be a woman in politics as the Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Kansas City, MO? [09:02] Joni shares the skills she’s relied on to move her through her political career. [10:52] How did preparedness conquer the ever-encroaching imposter syndrome?  [13:04] Why did Joni choose to enter into entrepreneurship? [15:37] Hear the biggest challenge Joni faced as a woman in politics. [17:32] Learn Joni’s take on how women can best support one another. [22:09] Millenials in government. Joni shares her thoughts! [23:33] What does it take to build trust with millennials? [25:27] How did her younger staff members change with the focus on team building? [27:07] Social media and communication in politics. What are Joni’s thoughts? [30:33] Joni shares her advice to business professionals facing tough times. [31:34] Connect with Joni!  Links and Resources:

Wickham James Website

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Joni on LinkedIn

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Joni’s LinkedIn Series

Episode’s Sponsor: Empowered Women Event - December 5th, 2019. Get your ticket here: http://bit.ly/empowereddec5

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