Being diagnosed with any form of cancer is a huge, scary thing, but it doesn’t have to consume your life. Rather than be dragged down by her diagnosis, Pat Wetzel went on a journey to learn more about herself and healing in a holistic way. She founded Cancer Road Trip and has helped develop additional research about the post-treatment aspect of cancer. 

Using the power of film and personal story, Cancer Road Trip looks at health, healing, and culture from a global perspective. As it stands right now, our medical system addresses diagnosis and treatment of cancer, but not the psychological, social, physical, or spiritual issues that patients also need to heal. 

It was through her own diagnosis of an ‘incurable’ form of cancer that she became an avid researcher of anticancer health and holistic healing. Pat is so open and honest in sharing her story and why traveling was the key to her own health. Her new venture did not come without some bumps and bruises, but that’s all a part of the journey. 

Listen as she shares her story, why she chose travel above other forms of healing, and what she is doing to help others affected by cancer. She has also started her own podcast sharing stories from other survivors and patients. A bump in the road is not the end of the road. Pat’s story is truly extraordinary and inspiring. 

Show Notes: [01:55] Welcome Pat Wetzel to share how you can use your roadblocks to successfully shift your business.  [03:10] How did Cancer Road Trip come about?  [05:46] Learn why writing and holistic healing changed Pat’s life.  [07:13] What kinds of changes did she experience as she started to travel?  [08:12] Pat shares how she chose her destinations. [09:15] Did she face any resistance around her choice to go on this road trip?  [11:38] Has anyone one person or thing inspired or influenced her on this journey?  [13:25] Any big moments that have stuck with her during this adventure?  [15:13] When did she get her pilot’s license?  [17:45] Why did she launch her podcast?  [19:56] Has Pat always liked technology?  [22:04] Pat shares some parting advice for navigating big bumps in the road. [22:48] Connect with Pat.  Links and Resources: Cancer Road Trip Cancer Road Trip on Facebook Cancer Road Trip on Twitter Cancer Road Trip on Instagram
Cancer Road Trip on Pinterest Bump in the Road Podcast

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