Today we are focusing on shifting ahead in business. Trying to stay ahead of your clients’ needs can seem like a never-ending feat. We are constantly watching, shifting, moving, and trying to remain relevant in the worlds of our customers. But, there are so many changes in technology and media, that we are seeing wide shifts in consumer behavior. So we have to be flexible and adaptable. Helping us tackle this issue so you don’t get stuck is Allen Adamson.

Allen is a brand strategist and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Metaforce, a firm dedicated to helping businesses diagnose growth strategies and nimbly execute programs in the face of change and market evolution. Allen is also a co-author of the book Shift Ahead: How the Best Companies Stay Relevant In a Fast-Changing World, which we will be discussing here today!

Stay tuned to learn more about the landscape of successfully shifting ahead, and hear some helpful case studies and some cautionary tales from Allen’s book!


In This Episode

About Allen Case Studies Competition and Disruption Shifting Isn’t a No-Brainer Diversifying Thought Challenges in Business


Quotes in This Episode

“Stop being totally fixated on the competitors right in front of your nose, and zoom out, and see what's going on a little bit more to the left and right, and behind you, because typically categories get disruption, not from within, but from outside.” —Allen Adamson


“[Kodak] were so addicted to the phenomenal profitability of film, there would be no other business they could even invent that would come close to it. They were stuck, as well as many other companies, by the Golden Handcuffs.” —Allen Adamson


“There are many ways you can fall behind, there are not a lot of ways you can stay ahead, but you can start to eliminate some of the culprits.” —Allen Adamson


“Analysis paralysis is the other big one that in fact impacts most organizations because figuring out where to shift is never easy.” —Allen Adamson


“You need a leader that is comfortable with risk.” —Allen Adamson



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