When you think about work, or when you sit down at your desk every day, do you feel awesome at what you do? Are you happy? Or perhaps you suffer from imposter syndrome, or you are simply bored or burned out with your career.


Pete Mockaitis, founder of Awesome at Your Job, is an award-winning trainer who's served clients in 50 countries. His work has enhanced Fortune 100 corporations, high-growth startups, and major nonprofits. He's conducted one-on-one critical thinking coaching sessions for over 700 thinkers from every Ivy League university and numerous world-class organizations, including Apple, Goldman Sachs, and Google.


Follow along as Pete explains how to be your best self at work every day, from becoming a better critical thinker to focusing on clarity to treating happiness as the ultimate currency.


In This Episode

How to discover professional clarity and focus Why every professional, at every level, needs to be a critical thinker The work environment attributes that lead to boredom and disengagement How cognitive biases affect product development Different altitudes or horizons of focus


Quotes in This Episode

“At [an early] age, I learned, whoa, books make you better at stuff! That has just stuck with me forever, just that notion of knowledge really truly being power.” —Pete Mockaitis


“It's kind of rare that we devote a dedicated chunk of time to getting clarity on something. So, if you take that in the context of a skilled coach, and we're focusing for 30 minutes, 60 minutes on a question, you can unleash a whole lot of clarity at times in a fairly short window.” —Pete Mockaitis


“[Helping people think critically is] just a matter of building up the confidence associated with it. Once they are in the habit of having helpful, on-target thoughts, it's just a matter of encouraging folks to go and soar with it.” —Pete Mockaitis


“I think if you feel awesome at your job 100% of the time, you might not be challenging yourself enough, unless you have a very wise and holistic view of awesome, which includes failing from time to time and learning from those experiences.” —Pete Mockaitis


“When it comes to career stuff, I really recommend that you think of happiness as the ultimate currency. It's not money or prestige or appreciation or learning and growth… Your happiness is the ultimate priority.” —Pete Mockaitis



How to Be Awesome at Your Job

Listen to Deirdre’s guest appearance on the Awesome at Your Job podcast