Have you ever felt really run down to the point where you aren’t feeling like yourself? (In fact, you don’t even feel healthy.) Who do you turn to when you’re facing this level of burnout? Many professionals feel they have to face exhaustion alone—but that’s not the case.

Paula Davis-Laack is a former lawyer turned burnout expert. As CEO of The Stress and Resilience Institute, she coaches everyone from CEOs to drill sergeants on how to manage stress in high-profile jobs. You can also see her work and get her advice in The Huffington Post, Forbes, Psychology Today, and Fast Company.

Tune into this episode as Paula explains how she’s working to normalize the experience of burnout and help entrepreneurs, doctors, and other professionals across the country manage the stress of their lives a little better.

In This Episode

The three warning signs of burnout Why a lot of people try to cover up their exhaustion or overwhelming feelings The positive trade-off that comes from entrepreneurial stress The formula for ending each day on a positive note Simple strategies for decreasing stress and boosting feel-good vibes

Quotes in This Episode

“We should have some stress in our lives, both at work and at home. The trick is: are we managing it well?” —Paula Davis-Laack

“There’s a lot of stress that goes with owning your own business… When you’re the one responsible for making all the decisions, there is no day off. There’s no off button.” —Paula Davis-Laack

“Sometimes resilience is just muddling through. Sometimes it’s just putting one foot in front of the other and making it through the day—and that is a success.” —Paula Davis-Laack

“Trying to tap into [the things that give me energy] really helps to balance the tough days. And wine. I’m not going to lie, a glass of wine here or there helps a lot!” —Paula Davis-Laack

“Ask yourself: where do I have a measure of control, influence, or leverage in this situation? We spend so much time, energy, and emotion on trying to fix or change things that aren’t fixable or changeable.” —Paula Davis-Laack


Stress and Resilience
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