As everyone knows, it can be incredibly difficult to find a primary care physician who has it all: someone with the time and resources to take their time to truly listen to your needs, someone who understands your ailments, with stellar bedside manner to boot.


Dr. Renee Dua is working to change that experience, both for doctors and their patients. Dr. Dua is board certified in nephrology and internal medicine, a busy working mother, and all while she's also running Heal, a new on-demand doctor house call app that's available across many cities in California and the Washington, D.C. area.


Tune in as Renee shares the experience that inspired the creation of Heal and how the return of the house call can improve the personalization of the healthcare industry.


In This Episode

How Heal is bringing back the art of the physician’s house call The importance of preventative, comprehensive care How house calls can improve the healthcare experience for doctors, too Why all busy entrepreneurs need to find their village The future of the health and technology landscape


Quotes in This Episode

“The idea is your doctor is here, which is wherever you are, and by that definition we can deliver access almost anywhere.” —Renee Dua


“We might go in to evaluate you for a cough or a cold, and walk out having said, ‘Well, you're due for your mammogram; you're due for your pap smear.’ Every visit should be that comprehensive. Every visit should be us actually preventing future problems because we are, again, putting your health first.” —Renee Dua


“When we thought about Heal, what we thought about was giving doctors what they needed to be their best—and a big part of that is respect and dignity and enjoying their work... Happy doctors mean happy patients.” —Renee Dua


“I hope [my children] know that I'm working on a big project that could conceivably be world-changing, and that gives me a lot of inspiration to do things. By the time my kids are my age, I wonder if we'll have hospital systems anymore. I wonder what the landscape will look like.” —Renee Dua


“We have an enormous amount of work to do. We are scratching the surface, we have to make it before we matter and I'm looking at mattering.” —Renee Dua



Download the app in the App Store or on Google Play