Just when you think you’re on top of the latest tech buzzwords — augmented reality, virtual reality, the Internet of Things — you find there’s more to learn. That’s why we invited today’s guest, Tiana Laurence, to the show to discuss her new book Blockchain for Dummies.


In addition to authoring the book, Tiana Laurence serves as the CMO and co-founder of Factom, a blockchain-as-a-service company. But what is blockchain technology? It’s a ledger or permanent, secure digital record that helps safeguard data used by government, commercial, and non-profit systems. Still confused? Don’t feel like a dummy. Tiana will explain.


Tune in as Tiana discusses all kinds of emerging technologies, the importance of secure data in the age of the internet, plus how women can be kinder to ourselves professionally.


In This Episode

What blockchain technology entails Trends in the rapidly changing cryptocurrency marketplace How to identify and protect your company from a cyber security attack How a tech-minded person approaches time management The ways women have to overcome imposter syndrome


Quotes in This Episode

“Blockchain technology is so wide. It's sort of like saying "internet," in that there's 100 different applications for it, and over time, these applications just keep on proliferating.” —Tiana Laurence


“I just love emerging technology. I've always been fascinated by all types of technology... that I think will change the world.” —Tiana Laurence


“I knew that if we could create a way of permanent data, that everyone could trust and go back and reference, that it would solve a lot of problems that the internet has.” —Tiana Laurence


“A friend once told me, ‘You can have everything, but you can't have everything at once.’” —Tiana Laurence


“As women, we often put ourselves last, and we put our goals last… If we want to do big things in our life, then we have to put those goals first, and let the unimportant things fall away.” —Tiana Laurence


Blockchain for Dummies


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