Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino is an award winning pediatrician who was named New Jersey Family’s Favorite Kids’ Doc for the years of 2011-2018 and one of New Jersey’s Compassionate Doctors from PatientsChoice.org in 2013. In this inspirational interview, we learn what inspired Dr. Jill to become a pediatrician and her unique outlook on patient and parent care.

She also shares what it’s like for a solo practitioner to open their own practice and take on all of the business responsibilities from billing and coding to being a team leader. Dr. Jill shares her unique outlook on being a team leader and how self care helps her manage day-to-day stress and decision fatigue. This is a wonderful look into the life of a thoughtful and caring entrepreneur.

Show Notes

[02:33] Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino always wanted to help people. She liked kids but thought she would become a lawyer. She then decided that this may not be the best way to help people. [03:19] She spent a summer working at a hospital and saw a baby delivered. This is when she knew that she wanted to take care of that baby. [03:34] She then knew she wanted to become a pediatrician. [04:20] She was always a good student and she loved learning. The challenge was having a bit of insecurity and wondering if she can risk taking people's lives into her hands. [05:14] She was encouraged by friends to get through her insecurity and self-doubt. [06:05] Medical school was learn as you go. It was important to listen to her instincts and reach out when she needed help. [07:30] There's a lot of nuance to being a doctor that isn't taught in medical school. [08:14] Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino has been doing a lot of research into nutrition. [09:07] Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino keeps motivated by having the opportunity to change the lives of these children's parents. She walks the walk, so they can trust her more. She talks to parents from a place of truth. [11:24] We are now so in-tuned to our higher selves. [12:50] Dr. Jill's patients actually enjoy coming to see her. She is there for them and gives them a sense of respect. [13:43] She also tells her patients that she loves them so much. [14:13] As a solo practitioner, she is 100% invested in both sides. There are a lot of business aspects from billing and coding to team management. [15:43] She is always reading and studying about how to be a better leader. She tries to lead by example. [16:49] She looks for people who are go-getters and who are present and reliable when adding to the team. [17:11] She has a medical secretary and medical assistants. She tries to find people who want to be there, but she also understands that this is a job for them. [19:01] She delegates and leaves her staff to do it which gives them a sense of importance. She checks in but doesn't micromanage. [20:40] She tries to treat her office staff like friends and family. [22:46] What trust means to Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino. She believes people are inherently good. She trusts people until that trust gets broken. [25:12] Dr. Jill knows that she will have a good day, because she doesn't create any space for lack of trust or negativity. [27:04] Building relationships with patients parents can be a delicate thing. Dr. Jill is very gentle about building trust and includes everyone on the team. [28:17] Keeping the parents as part of a team from the beginning helps build trust. [30:02] We shouldn't listen to formulate our next response. Active listening is a skill. [30:37] The littlest things we say matter. Telling parents that they are doing great helps with their confidence. [31:35] Dr. Jill tries to be as present as possible and treat people the way she would like to be treated. [32:17] We are just on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to learning about nutrition. Dr. Jill is also concerned about how children watch everything that their parents do. [33:01] Her concern is that people aren't paying enough attention to diet, nutrition and how their energy is transferred to the kids. [35:21] Decision making can be draining. Dr. Jill meditates to keep herself in a good space to make those important decisions. [36:11] She also goes to the gym and gets good sleep. [37:34] Deirdre worked with Navy Seals and learned how important sleep is. [39:24] It's important to prioritize how you want your life to be. [40:03] If something makes you a little bit scared and a lot excited, then you should go for it. [41:18] Have faith in yourself, because if you don't try, you won't know what you can achieve. [43:11] Find a spouse or partner who lifts you up.

Links and Resources:

Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino Pedalino Healthy Kids Pediatrics, NJ on LinkedIn Healthy Kids on Facebook The Untethered Soul