In this podcast, Tawana Lowery shares another empowering excerpt from her upcoming book and provides insightful teaching on “How to Get out of the No Way.”

She reveals what No Way thinking looks like and how to exchange it for a victorious Yes Way mind that God desires for his daughters.  


 Hello… and Welcome to Women World Leaders Podcast


I’m your Host… Tawana Lowery

·        Women’s Empowerment Coach

·        And Executive Director of Miss Overcomer Global


And I’m so excited you joined today…

·        As we explore what the Father wants us to know about himself

·        and who we are as Powerful Ambassadors…

Let’s get started. 😊


1.     A few days ago, I was praying about a difficult situation and the complicated dynamics at play.

2.     Although my conscious mind was asking God for wisdom and guidance…

·        My subconscious mind was thinking, “there’s no way this is ever going to change!”

·        I believe that’s called Double mindedness…  😊

3.     But… thankfully… God chose to reply to my subconscious mind (where my true feelings were hiding). 

4.     And… because he loves me too much to let me remain stuck in double mindedness… 

·        He spoke to the secret place where doubt and unbelief were wrestling for control.  

5.     From his Throne of Mercy… he basically checked me!

·        He called me out (so to speak) by reminding me of the words from Psalm 14:1 that reads, 

“The fool has said in (her) heart, there is no God.” 

6.     But that is not what I heard God say….

·        Rather he replied,

“The fool has said in (her) heart… there is No Way!” 

7.     I thought… WHAT- On- Earth! Did God just bop me in the nose

8.     Well obviously, he got my attention with that nose bob!!

9.      And as he continued speaking to my heart, I realized the BIG truth behind His Big message.

·        You see…. each time I said in my heart “there is no way,”

·        I was declaring, “there is no God.”

·        I was saying, “There is No God big enough to change it or heal it or retore.

·        I was saying, “There is No God big enough to provide for me.

·        There is No God that’s gone ahead of me. No God that has my back.

·        There’s No God intervening on my behalf! 

10. The truth be told… I was factoring the power and love of God completely out of the equation. 

·        My thoughts and expectations were misaligned with his Kingdom.

11. Needless to say, repentance came quickly after that revelation.  

12. I asked God to forgive my “No Way” foolish thoughts and replace them with his “Yes Way.” 

·        Or the YEShua way! 

13. I asked for a greater ability to see the situation securely in his hands with the solution already complete… with an outcome greater than anything I could dream or imagine!

·        Hello Ephesians, 3:20

14. You know… I think we can observe this same “No Way” mindset throughout the Scriptures.  

15. One example that comes to mind is found in Mark 16…

·        It’s the story of Mary of Magdala and the mother of Yeshua on their way to the tomb of Jesus.

·        The Bibles says they were walking towards the tomb of Jesus to anoint his body. 

·        Verse 3 gives insight about their thinking with regards to the “presumed impossible” that awaited them.

·        Verse 3 shares that, “they said among themselves, Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?

·        In other words, their subconscious mind was the same as mine… 

“there is NO WAY we can move this obstacle. It’s just too much for us to handle.  

·        Thankfully, Verse 4 provides a great lesson for us… 

·        It reads, “But when they Looked Up, they saw the stone had been rolled away.”

16. I believe this passage is so insightful and provides a template we can follow. 

·        When we’re trapped in a “No Way” mindset…we are looking down. 

·        We’re focused on the Bigness of the obstacle rather than the Greatness of God.

·        That’s exactly what these 2 women were doing.

·        When they Looked Up… they saw the Yes Way! 

·        They saw the obstacle had already been taken care of. 

o   The Stone was already Rolled Away while they were On the Way… living in their No Way!

17.  Okay.. Let’s look at another example ins found in Matthew 14.

You know it well! 😊

·        It’s the story of Jesus feeding the multitude.

·        When he instructed the disciples to feed the crowd, they responded from the natural realm and said… 

o   There’s NO WAY we can make this happen.

·        But when they look unto Jesus and he Looked Up to heaven… The Problem was already solved.

·        They put their “No Way” into the Hands of the “Yes Way,” 

·        Into the hands of the “YESHUA Way!

18.  Okay… Let’s look at one final example found in 2 Kings, chapter 6.

·        We’ll begin in Verse 11.


·        In summary… the King of Aram was upset that he continued to be out witted by the King of Israel because of Elisha’s guidance.


·        Out of his enraged wounded ego, he dispatched a mighty army to surround the city where Elisha and his servant were staying.


·        When the servant awoke the next morning, he had a full-blown panic attack after seeing the mighty chariots that surrounded them.


·        In his heart he was thinking… There’s NO WAY we can get out of this crisis!


·        But Elisha responded, “Don’t be afraid.” Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”


·        Elisha already saw the “Yes Way” because he had a “Yes Way” mind.


·        And prayed for the Lord to open the eyes of his servant so he could see it as well!

·        Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked again and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around.


·        In other words, the divine solution was firmly in place before the problem arose.  

19. There’s an important lesson in this story also…

·        We need to have “Yes Way” people in our circle.

·        I’m not referring to a robotic “Name it and Claim it” crowd. Much of that is born from fear and unbelief.

·        I’m talking about people who have a firm history with the miracle working power of God and enjoy helping others stand strong in it!

·        That’s who Elisha was to his servant. 

·        And that is the reason the servant was able to release his “No Way” thinking!

20.  So… I have a couple of questions for you:

·        What “No Way” statements are you making concerning a particular challenge?

·        Where have you subconsciously eliminated God’s power and love from the equation?

21.  There’s no judgment here at all! This is a common trick of the enemy.

·        However…. It’s imperative that we confess our unbelief in God’s love and grace so that we can receive truth and revelation… 

·        AND…  so that we have the courage to move forward in faith.   

22. Maybe your “No Way” statements are related to… 

·        Your Career or Education pursuits

·        Maybe it’s regarding your Marriage

·        Or a close relationship.

·        Possibly you’re No Way thoughts are related to your finances

·        Or a personal challenge.

·        Maybe… God is calling you into a new opportunity that is outside your comfort zone or financial means!

23.  Whatever it’s called… we must see it from heavens perspective. 

·        We must cease from agreeing with the “No Way” subconscious thinking… Because we are saying what Psalm 14:1 says.

·        And we Do Not want to engage in Foolish Thinking!

·        Instead… we want to exchange it for the Mind of Christ…

·        We want the Yes Way mind… The Yeshua Way mind. 

24.   I believe there’s no better time than this present moment! 

So let’s jump in with a few simple steps!

·        First – Let’s confess our No Way thinking to God.

·        And… BTW… there’s No Way it’s going to surprise him. 

·        Next… if you’re comfortable with it… Just repeat after me. 

Heavenly Father,

 Forgive me for all the places where I am operating with a No Way attitude in my heart. Forgive me for my “No Way” subconscious thinking.  

I now realize that I am basically proclaiming there is “No God.”

Lord, forgive me. I didn’t know what I was doing.

Thank you that you Never Condemn me. In fact… your love is always available to redeem and restore my heart and mind and thoughts!Lord, I cast this No Way thinking on the cross of Jesus to be crucified and made completely dead. And I bring to the cross any unbelief that was created by earthly experiences.

Resurrect me Lord, with a new heart and mind in this area…

Empower me by your Spirit to walk in the Yes Way…. In the Yeshua Way.

Show me what the Yes Way looks like to you.

Thank you for the assurance of your love and mercy to guide me each step of the way.  

In the name above all names… Yeshua the King!



All content is copyrighted by Tawana Lowery and Women World Leaders

and cannot be used without express written consent.