428. Jesus’ Compassionate Perseverance (Luke 13:31-35)

Herod is after Jesus – yet Jesus marches on in love and perseverance, determined to fulfill God’s call on His life. What can we learn from this as we walk in Jesus’ footsteps? Join Julie Jenkins for a study of Luke 13:31-35.




Welcome to Walking in the Word, the biblical teaching arm of the Women World Leaders’ podcast. My name is Julie Jenkins, and it is my honor to walk with you as we open scripture and ask God what He wants us to know today.

If you are new to Women World Leaders, I’m glad you have joined us! Women World Leaders is God’s ministry, and the mission He has given us is to help others walk in their God-given purpose as we all lead for Christ. We have many offerings for you, including our monthly leadership connect on Zoom, seminars to help shore up your leadership skills, a prayer team who would love to meet and pray with you, opportunities to write and grow, our quarterly Voice of Truth magazine, and of course this podcast!

We offer three very different podcasts each week under this one banner. On Monday, Kimberly Hobbs hosts Empowering Lives with Purpose – a 30-minute interview with a different woman of faith each week; this is meant to inspire you and empower you in your God-given walk. On Fridays, we have the joy of Celebrating God’s Grace with one of several beautiful leaders who offers us a burst of enthusiasm to jump into the weekend with. And on Wednesdays, today, we take time to walk through scripture together, seeking God’s wisdom and direction for life.

We are currenly walking through the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John chronologically, and today we are studying from the book of Luke, chapter 13, verses 31-35.

Before we begin, let’s pray…

Dear Father God, we are in awe that you are with each person listening to this message! Thank you for meeting us each where we are. We know you have a word for us today, and I ask that our hearts be receptive to hearing your voice. Father, even as I prepare for the honor of reading and expounding on your Word, I ask you to be with me. Guide my thoughts and let all I say be pleasing to your ears and be exactly what you would have each listener know from your heart. We thank you and give you all the praise and glory as we begin. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

If you have been following along with us from week to week, you know we are picking up as Jesus continues visiting towns and villages, teaching and preaching to the people. As He does, He is getting closer and closer to His crucifixion, and his teaching is getting more and more direct and intense.

As we continue today, we see the Pharisees launching out at Jesus yet again, but this time they take a bit of a different tactic. Let’s begin by reading from Luke 13:31 in the New Living Translation.

31 At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you.”

The Herod they were referring to was Herod Antipas. Now Luke had recorded earlier that Herod feared that Jesus was actually John the Baptist, whom he had murdered, returned from the dead. So it certainly wasn’t a stretch that the Pharisees would be “warning” Jesus that Herod was after Him. However, looks can be deceiving, and we should be careful NOT to be under the impression that the Pharisees actually cared about Jesus’ well-being.

WHY then, were the Pharisees warning Jesus? It seems they were trying to frighten Jesus into returning to Judea, where they could watch and trap Him.

But our Jesus is not to be frightened, and He will never succumb to trickery. Jesus was FULLY obedient to God, KNOWING that God had THE perfect plan and His every direction is always trustworthy.

How freeing would it be if we, too, fully trusted God to guide and direct every step we take?

If we trusted God…we wouldn’t have to stress about our finances, because we would know that God had everything in His control. If we FULLY trusted God… we could live in joy knowing that our children’s futures are secure in His hands; we wouldn’t have to get angry and shout about causes in the streets or on Facebook – because we could live by the teaching that God WILL work all things together for the good of those who love Him. If we fully trusted God, we could have civil conversations with others, seeking to learn and come to a full-fledged understanding, and even love, for each other. If we FULLY trusted God, we could go where He calls us and do what He calls us to do despite any apparent lurking danger or division.

Jesus – under a REAL threat of attack on His life, chose to fully trust God…verse 32…

32 He replied, “Go tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ 33 In any case, I must press on today and tomorrow and the next day—for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!

Jesus was NOT going to be stopped from what He was called to do. Despite the very real threat on His life, He was going to press on down the path, doing exactly what GOD had given Him to do.

Two takeaways I want us to understand from this reading.

First – Nothing will stop Jesus from doing anything and everything for you! By this time, many had heard of Jesus, and had even heard Him teach in person. But, undoubtedly, there were some who hadn’t yet encountered Jesus. There were some people who still had divine appointments with their Messiah written by God on their calendars. And although they didn’t yet realize how their lives were about to change, JESUS knew the name of EVERY single individual God had already prepared a meet-and-greet with. Jesus loved each of them IMMEASURABLY and NOTHING was going to stop Him from coming face-to-face with them. Friend, Jesus loves YOU that much – and NOTHING will stop Him from orchestrating EVERYTHING to give YOU the chance to encounter Him and learn from Him.  

The second takeaway is that as we walk with Jesus, we, too can PRESS ON where and how we have been called, KNOWING that He will empower us to reach our destination.  

So whether you are walking and serving Him in ministry, as a parent, taking care of a child or loved one, or if you are walking staunchly away from abuse, neglect, sin, or wrong thinking, you can trust that God will guide you to the next right step.

After Jesus shows us His strength and perseverance to do God’s will, we see His tenderness and compassion for His people ooze from His words. … verse 34 continues…

34 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.

Can’t you just hear the pain and love in Jesus’ words as He speaks on behalf of God Himself?

These were God’s chosen people whom He longed to have a loving relationship with – and yet they turned away from Him. I think every parent has had a glimpse of this pain at some point. Days when you think, I’ve given it all, and yet I feel alone at this moment – unappreciated and unloved. If you are there right now, I’m sorry. Please know that Jesus understands. And you are never alone.

Jesus then warns His listeners…

 35 Look, your house is left to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[a]”

The house of Israel was left desolate, because far too many did not believe that their Messiah had come and was standing before them. Yet our God is a God of many chances – the key word in this verse is “until.” Jesus says… I tell you, you will not see me again UNTIL you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We see Jerusalem under attack even today – because MANY have not come to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. But there WILL be a time when God again will take them under His wing.

Our world is in turmoil.

Christians are persecuted and many of them thrive and gain some sick energy as they yell against each other, thinking if my voice is loudest, then surely others will see me as right. Perhaps it is time to lower our voices and simply stand strong in our deeds and actions. Perhaps, instead of screaming about the atrocity of abortion, we should spend our time and money working with young, pregnant women who need the support of a Christian family.

Perhaps instead of fighting to build a bigger and higher wall to protect our country, we should recognize the one person we may be called to help as we press on in love.

We don’t have to make a stink to make something happen – because we have an amazing God who PROMISES to make the right thing happen – and He is in control.

I’m not suggesting we be complacent and let the world make decisions for us. Instead, I am suggesting that we, like Jesus, no longer walk in fear – but we simply keep walking where we are called and doing what we are called to do – keeping love and compassion at the forefront.

Let’s pray…

Dear Most Holy God…you sent your Son to save us, yet the world came against Him. Sometimes, we feel like the world is coming against us, too. Father, the fire burns in us to fight – but you have called us instead to persevere in love. Help us to remember that YOU are in control and you have called us to be a light for You. Father, I ask you to speak to each person listening right now – the task you have called each of us to is unique, and we can each only respond by listening to and trusting you fully and completely. Give each one listening the wisdom, strength, and perseverance to take her next right step in love and compassion. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.