Siv Ashley has a survival story. From a child captured and enslaved in Cambodia, she loses her family and then escapes to Thailand.

Rescued in the mountains by an American soldier, this faith story continues as part two of this podcast shares the miraculous hand of God who never let Siv go. Faith in Christ was instilled from her father at an early age and is the underlying key of this incredible journey to and now in, the United States of America.


Kimberly Hobbs  
Welcome to Empowering Lives with Purpose. And I'm your host, Kimberly Hobbs, I am founder of Women World Leaders. We are so grateful that you have decided to join in with us today. Today we have part two of the Siv Ashley story which is an incredible story of faith of survival. And we are just so grateful to be able to share with you today Siv's story. Siv welcome,

Siv Ashley  
Thank you, thank you for having me. And as a blessing to be on this show.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen, amen I love, love the joy and are the people that come on to be interviewed because to share their God's story. It is so joyful to them just to be able to help you and encourage you the listener that you are not alone in many things in your life. And even though we walk through different valleys, we walk through different storms. And our stories look very different. There is a thread that runs through that by sharing our God's stories with the world and gives others hope. And that's why so many of our guests come on here so joyful because they know where their hope lies, and they have seen it alive in their life. And sieve has seen how her strong faith got her through a time that we can't even comprehend in our lives that can be endured by a person. So we're gonna share with you a little bit about it to recap what has happened and how Civ got to America. So at first I want to just share a little bit about Civ who's from Hampton Ville, North Carolina. And then prior to that she was from Cambodia. Sylvia Ashley began her life as a normal child in an average happy family in Cambodia. She was surrounded by loving family members. And on April 6 1975, everything changed for her. Read soldiers came in and evacuated her family with 1000s of Cambodians and they were marched to camps to work in the government rice fields. Children had to work over 12 hours a day. They were fed only rice and water to live and nearly starved to death. Sieve witnessed red soldiers killed countless children and also adults. For four years sieve faced the possibility of eminent death daily herself. civs father clung to faith no matter what happened to him, no matter what he saw, no matter what he endured, and reminded sieve God is always with you sieve if you believe it with all your heart. He stressed to her about faith, seven doors, faith and prayers. And that is what helped her survive against all odds. Today sieve is going to share her story of faith and survival with you. Siv, you are going to recap right now about your story. So those that may have missed out on part one can hear a little bit about your story before you go we go into part two. So be ready. The story is incredible. And remarkable to me. Just powerful Civ Go ahead. Let's hear your story.

Siv Ashley  
Well, thank you for having me, Kimberly. Part one, I was talking about, you know the story of my life. And it it started out with my father going from a country town to a capital meeting with a missionary and, and I at that moment he accepted Christ as his personal Savior. I heard it one time. Jesus Christ is a beautiful name. And he came home to us and he applied that to us and and during that time when he did and we all accepted Christ and a family of five plus the grandmother and so and my father, and so we was a happy family. ain't gonna be okay. But the red soldiers came in the poor port soldier. And they separate our family, not just our family, everybody else, children was being separated the kid, I was in a concentration camp with my brother, being a little boy, instead of a little girl. Because my dad cut my hair and so that all can be not being seen as a little girl. And so during the camp, if we were good, we was being able to go see the adult camp to, to visit your parents or your loved one. And each time when I visit the camp, each one of my family have passed away, either tortured to death or beaten to death. And the last time was my dad, my dad have been beaten and am shot at one of his leg as I can see it. And I will be just wondering what he gonna do. I mean, what what are we gonna take care of me who's going to take care of me. And he keeps telling me Believe in the Lord Jesus class. And one day, you will go to a place called America. And that his fight, which is so strong, and he died in prison. And during this time, I was, didn't know what to do. I want to hurt myself, I want to kill myself. I don't want to live anymore. Why should that, but I keep remembering my dad keeps saying keeping your faith, you keep your faith, I still have a brother that are in a sick care, that are just not going to make it. And then a group of people came up to us and said, If you want to escape the camp, you better leave tonight. And if you have some loved one, you need to and in the in the camp where you can just actually can leave that night if you can go get your brother. And so I didn't see the body of my brother. And so I pray about it. And I pray really hard. And God gave me a sign to leave. So I left with a group of people got to a place called Sam NiP. Is is mountain war between Thailand and Cambodia. And that's when I was rescued by one this man I don't know what his name is. All I know is a beautiful, beautiful and his shoulder. Red, White and Blue. snores all around it. And he was he was so kind. He was taking me to a refugee camp. At that moment, I knew his mind Angel. And I bought me the refugee camp in Thailand. During Thailand, I was united with my my aunt. And she said, we're gonna go to a place called America and in the church, and then in that thing 79 A church in Jefferson United Methodist Church decided to bought a family not just anywhere, a family from Cambodia. Wow, with God. I hope things possible. Yes, you work a mysterious way. And he bought God bought our family to Jefferson United Methodist Church, and that thing's 79. And at this time, I was back 15 years old. And my birthday was on September 5 18. And I came in July, so they have to put me in school. Wow, wow. Yeah, that's how I was at, you know, but to their and that's what's important too, that we en that we came to a safe home in America.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen. Amen. As much as you endured sieve and, and honestly if you go back to part one, you will hear all the details of what she endured because it it's on comprehendible that a person can endure what sieved did as a child as a child. But God said when you need courage, don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you I will hold you up my with my victorious right hand. That's Isaiah 4110. He holds all of us up with his victorious right hand. Sieve he held you up in times where you just wanted you said You didn't want to live anymore. But from somewhere that strength kept pouring into you pouring into you because God knew there is a plan and a purpose that He created you for. Just like our listeners, there is a plan and a purpose listeners that God has created you for. Do not give up. Don't be discouraged. Don't be afraid God is with you. And so as you came to America, this family, God provided them for you. He allowed them to pay and help with money to give you a life here in America, you went to church. So now that you're in America, 15 years old, you'd started to give us a glimpse that you had to go to school? And can you tell us what you thought about America? What What? What was it like when you first got here?

Siv Ashley  
Well, um, I started a school and kindergarten I was 15 years old. Never been in school before and never hold a pencil never know what what you know, anything is I have to learn ABC 123. Well, my very first book that I read was in the Bible, because I didn't know how to read. But my very first book was run Spot Run over and over and over fine too. And so I learned at the age of 15, and coming going from within six years, I was able to graduate from kindergarten all the way to high school. And then I was able to go to college, and I went to college. And yeah, and went to college got a two years degree, Hotel Restaurant Management, and got art degree as well and to a degree and I was able to get hell a job in Boone, North Carolina, restaurant managers, and I was making money and I was doing really well and I was looking at the cultures of how American culture is and how beautiful it is and and everything else and at this moment my focus was making much more money to live a good life and an hour just but I was just really upset steel and did not know what to do. I want to hurt myself sometime because I just like, you know, I don't know what uses it by making all this money and all that. And then I look at other people that have a family that loving family and and all that and at this moment I was going up teenagers and now I want to think that American culture is God and look at why boys like girls and girl like why what's wrong with me and I were just hanging on in the long crowds and and just didn't care. And at this moment, I would just forget about God. And, and, and when I forgot about God, I would just like the stress again and just going from one end to another and just want to in my life again at this time and just yeah

Kimberly Hobbs  
it was it was I can't imagine you know like now that you're here you're free in America and you are integrated into society a new society a new culture, the pain and the trauma from your past had to be dealt with and you were hurting you were running you wanted to end your life again. And you started running far away from God because of the you know the anger and the different things in your heart that you know you forgot about him so So can you talk about Civ that how did guy get your attention to get back on track when you forgot about him?

Siv Ashley  
You know, I thought about at this point, were my life just 90 degree turn. And I forgot about God and we're just like, God, did you just don't love me anymore? And one day, I was just running on a streak and I was just like going around and, and at that time were the person I was dating is my husband now. And he texts me and he said, you know, you need to turn back to God and you need God directions. And that was Masane, saying, you know, I need to get back to God. And, and I thought about the scripture that I open up, and that in my Bible and, and in Matthew tablatures 14, where Peter glade gaze into Jesus, when he was walking in a water and fan, when he lose his love fate, what happened to Peter, he fell in the water. And every one of us are like, Peter, we got all these little thing. And then, and then what, what the next thing we need to do is that we just forget about God, and we just don't know that, that God has been holding on to us all these time. So I thought about that scripture over and over and reading about eater, and God pull my attention and say, Look, serve are protected you for all this time. And I bought you to America for a reason that tells a story about me. I just go and over and over. And then I began, and then the church car for me. And the chart responds to us. Call for me. And got me to speak for the first time at that turn. That's awesome. Wow, wow.

Kimberly Hobbs  
So God started getting your attention. And the Lord God is merciful and forgiving, forgiving, even though we've rebelled against Him. That's Daniel nine, nine, even though you are far from God, he never was far from you. And he kept getting your attention. And when you went into that street to take your life, your husband shows up and all of a sudden he's he was that sign again, that you need that faith back in God, you need to turn to him serve. And I love that and all the way through to church, you know, they, they've heard your story they're asking you to speak. Ladies, there's so much so much healing when we speak out loud when we share our stories when we write our stories and share it with others and serve had that opportunity. So sieve what began inside of you through sharing your story and speaking it out loud in the different churches that you were called to.

Siv Ashley  
So when God called me and my first church was Detroit that sponsor me and ask begin to tell my story. And when I begin to tell my story about how I God rescue me, from Cambodia to America, and I feel that we leave just came all over me I said no matter what, God loved me, no matter what anybody said anything to anybody else don't love me, God loved me man, like John 316 That my father always reminded me about that. And so ever since that, I've been going from one chart to another and to do mission work and I've been going from from state to stay speak at women's conference. I was God call me for all this to share. And, and and from from United State to out of the country to share my story and to around the world to women that are been beaten and then then abused then Amy Cana and they hurt to store it and that's what God wanted me. Every cent that I have been we leave out of you know, you just have that burden sometime. And you just feel that we leave every cent that and just it's just like God never forgot about me. It was me that forgot about him. Yes, yes, that Peter. So yeah.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Wow. Exactly. And God was protecting you all the way through this, but he was building you to that calling that he had on your life. And so different people would come in asking you to speak and share, like you said, women's conferences, you're speaking at churches, you're sharing and the Scripture, Revelation 1211, they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony. And as you grew in strength, as God poured that strength into you serve, and you were able to proclaim the story that God gave you, you were able to overcome what was trying to pull you away from God, you overcame the enemy. And I love that so. So now, God's Word says, You have allowed me to suffer hardships, but you will restore me and lift me to life again, and lift me from the depths of the earth, you will receive, store me to even greater honor and comfort to me once again, that Psalm 7120 to 21. And listeners that are hearing that verse applies to you that scripture applies to sieve, all of us because we've all suffered hardships, right. And God is a restoring God, He wants to bring us back to the fullness of Him and Him in our life. We just have to surrender to Him and be willing to go where He sends us and you are on the mission field sieve. I love it. I love it. So everybody has a story. Some of us have suffering stories. And if there's those of you listening right now that are suffering, you've heard sieves, part one and two, which is an incredible powerful story. Civ. There is the listener right now that is suffering. She wants to hear a word she's praying for a word. Are you praying right now ladies? Are you praying for that word of encouragement, sieve, pour into her that word of encouragement from your heart right now that is advice to help them through their time of suffering right now and even pray with them if you so feel led?

Siv Ashley  
You know, I'm all the listener out there. And I want you all to know that God never forget about you. We forget about God. And my encouragement is that the first thing you need to do, open your Bible. That's what that's what the Bible is for. And open that Bible and read a scripture. And it all will come to you at that moment. Like I said, you know, in Romans 828. And we know that we all doing our work together for good to them that love God, and to them that who are called according to His purpose. Yes. Ah, that treasures that verse to me. And when that moment come, God will put your life in a place that you will never imagine. And God knows you before you even born in your mother's wounds. And so, in that and out, can I pray for y'all right now, just to say, thank you all for listening. Okay, and thank you, God, Father, although we're in heaven, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On our side, this is heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us those treasures passes against us, will deliver us from the evil For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. And thank you, Jesus for teaching us how to pray this pray, lore. I pray for the one right now that are hurting and the one that are suffering on all sorts of thing. But if we can just think about what you suffer for us, that you gave your life to us. Beaten and hurting spurred on and all the boosts the scar that you've gone through just for Cinder, like me. Know, thank you for giving your Son, Jesus Christ to us that we can look up in heaven. I say, lor, thank you for saving a worthless like me. In Jesus name, I pray in the precious name in your holy name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Kimberly Hobbs  
That's so beautiful. Thank you. So thank you for sharing from your heart. And God's Word says, Call on me when you're in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory. That's Psalm 50, verse five, rescue me and you will give me glory. And this is civs life right now she has given back to the Lord and complete surrender, to give Him the glory, for rescuing her life from saving her from sin, forgiving her sin and bringing her to this new life in Christ. Revelation 21 Five says, Behold, I am making everything new. And he did that in sieves life, it was a journey. She had to endure so many things. I'm sure if you ask her that through her story. If one person accepted Jesus as their Savior because of it, she would endure it all over again. Because that's the value that Civ has. In her salvation. She knows who her savior is, she knows who she serves and lives for. And we pray that for you that you have that faith, that faith that God talks about in his work, that if you have that faith of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain to be cast in the sea, and it will be done. We can't comprehend that. So what is your mountain? What is that overwhelming fear or trouble that you're going through right now? God wants your faith, your faith in him that only He can do it. And he will strengthen you and equip you to go on and press on and get through it will get saved. Look at her life, what she endured things that us we can't even comprehend what this child endured. Growing up in the memory she had to deal with with losing every buddy she loved everybody and being beat and hurt herself. She endured because God gave her the strength. And she kept hearing the word faith that her father instilled in her believe Civ believe Civ. Oh, dear Lord, we are so grateful. So grateful for your mercies that are new every day. Save any closing word you want to share with the ladies, tell them how they that they can receive your book. A teenager's survival, it's beautiful. Yeah. How can they receive that?

Siv Ashley  
The book will tell a little bit more details into my life. You can receive that book from Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. And I believe it's like $11. That's it. And most of the poussette BOCES go into the mission fields. And well, actually, the whole thing go into mission. So yeah, you can go through their Amazon and there'll be a Barnes and Noble to get them and I'm a warrant encouragement. Look, everyone listening right now. Just don't look behind you. Look for to God, what he can give you. Because when you look behind is always sad. Live in front of you. With God. Always. Always with you. He always never doubt. Never doubt he loves you. Love you. And if y'all need to get in touch with me or need to talk to me. I'll be there for you. You can You know, going sieve Ashley [email protected], and shoot me an email, you want to go to my website, WWE dot save Shoot me an email, I'll get to you as soon as I can. And we all I'm there to help you Kimberly's there to help you with the war woman, website and any anything that we can help you we'll be happy to shoot you back an email or even give you a car. And don't worry, look for them one of you will God, how so much for you to ask

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen. You are so lovely, Siv. And I'm just thankful that we've become sisters in Christ. I think thankful that you are part of women, world leaders and listeners, this is the heart of the women that are within this ministry. They just want to be there and help you. We were all going through different things. And, you know, just hardships are no respecter of persons, they happen and they hit us all. But we need that community to come around us. And that's who we are at women, world leaders, we come around you and inspire you encourage you try to support you how we can through things that you go through. But we have opportunities here for all of you to serve, and be a part and plug in to this wonderful, amazing ministry that God has provided. And there's different ways you can connect with us through zoom. We have leadership Connect meetings every every month, please go to our website at women world And check out how you can get involved in the ministry. We'll reach out to you we want you here we want you to be a part. It is fun to serve God together from where we are all over the world right Civ like, wow, he's connecting us in all these different countries. So please just Just don't be afraid. Just reach out, step out. If God is nudging your heart right now, just be a part come on board with us. And remember with God all things are possible. You may not feel worthy, you may not feel you may have be self conscious, so who knows what's holding you back. But pray and ask God to help you through that and then plug in with us be part of us. We're on Facebook. You can follow us that way. We have devotions every day on our website, there's things that you can do that will keep you engaged. And these podcasts are available to you every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through women world leaders podcast. So please just join in. We are in all different platforms all over the world. We're in 70 countries and we are thankful that God is propelling his message of truth throughout the world. So ladies, thank you again, sieve Ashley, thank you for being with us today ladies, from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders all content is copyrighted by women world leaders and cannot be used without expressed written consent. God bless you all and have the most beautiful day.