Today's guest, Tammy Hanson, faith-based actress and musician who holds a biblical studies masters degree, shares her "surrender story."   From climbing the corporate ladder of success to a tragic turn of events in her life, Tammy shares her story of hope to encourage you that our surrender to God is very important, although not always easy.   *****  

Kimberly Hobbs  
Welcome to Empowering Lives with Purpose. And I'm your host, Kimberly Hobbs, I'm the founder of a Women World Leaders. And today, we are here to encourage you, to empower you to walk with Jesus to find what that beautiful purpose is that God created you for and use it because he did create you for a purpose. And one of the things we love to do is bring guests on that share their story, that can also help encourage you because possibly you can relate to what they've gone through in their life, or hear about how they are seeking God in their life and in their walk, which in turn helps us and we just love what God does. Through these interviews that we do. Today is Tammy Hansen, who is our guest welcome, Tammy.

Tammy Hanson  
Hi! Thank you for having me.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Of course, Tammy is from Orlando, Florida. And she is going to be talking today about surrendering and it's not easy. It's not easy to surrender. But we believe that every believer has received grace gifts. So God says use them to serve one another, as faithful stewards of the many colored tapestry of God's grace. That's First Peter 410. And Tammy is going to be sharing today about some of her gifts and what God has done in and through her life to allow her to continue on in serving him. So I want to share a little bit about who Tammy is. And Tammy Hansen is a single Christian walking with Jesus for over 20 years. She holds a Master's of art in Biblical Studies. She enjoys acting, and playing piano or drums on the praise team at her church. She also enjoys Disney theme parks traveling with her mom and friends and loves her two chihuahuas to Keita and Coco. Tammy love learning to follow the example of Jesus in the gospels. And she studied his life and how to love the Father, and to love people. But she loved her career too. So today, she's going to share a little bit about her story of 23 years in the corporate world, and climbing that ladder of success that I'm sure some of you can relate to. And that's where she saw that she could be a witness for the Lord was in that time, and she's going to talk a little bit about that time until something devastating hit. So Tammy, do you want to share about that time in the corporate world until you got that devastating news?

Tammy Hanson  
Oh, yes. And I, having worked in the corporate world. Little did I know that the Lord was gonna have me there for so long. But anyways, when I first started out working at Publix corporate headquarters in the retirement area, I was so eager to learn everything about the retirement plans. And I started in at the bottom level. And once I got my, my desk organized, and all my work done, I always wanted to take on other tasks to learn other things about the retirement department and grow. And little did I know that and now especially looking back, having done that I never in that 23 year career had to apply for a position in the retirement department. They always came to me and asked me if I would like to be promoted to whatever was next. And I'm I was just like, yes. So with that being said, I did the same thing. Every time I was promoted, I always learned my position, got really good at it, and manage my time very well and did the same thing learned something new about another level within the retirement department. So with that being said, again, it happened again, they'd asked me if I wanted to be promoted to the next level and so on and so forth. So that kind of happened in my career. Working at Publix, and the very last position that I had in the in the retirement department before I started praying to the Lord about is this what you want me to do for the rest of my life? If so, you're going to have to allow or make something happen. For me to know that it's us speaking Lord. I was promoted to one of the top positions within the retirement department was titled The agent and the analyst on the retirement plan at Publix supermarkets Incorporated. And if you know much about Publix supermarkets, their retirement plan is one of the biggest in the nation. It's an employee stock ownership plan. And it's, it's owned by the employees and Publix gives you stock based on your eligible wages. So with that being said, every year, associates if you qualify if you met the criteria, you got paid public stock shares in your retirement plan, which is a federal retirement plan based on your eligible wages for that year. And sometimes that can be 8.5% of your calendar year wages in stock and then you have to imagine the the growth the growth year and if the stock splits so the compounding interest on that. It's crazy. I don't have the number in my head as far as what a stock if you were to purchase stock way back when would it be would be valued at today, but I can tell you this the numbers the the amount. It's It's It's crazy. Good. So all that being said, I did I had a cush. I had a cush position there the last few years working with Publix until I started feeling a little stagnant in my position and just started praying. But anyways, right in the middle of that career with Publix, I were women. So I can say this, I started seeing the signs of breast cancer, breast cancer, I just saw the signs not not to be weird about I just saw the signs, like when I go for my checkups this, that and the other to do your self examination. So I was like, you know, maybe it is time to do that. But wait and do it the right time, you know, after your monthly. So that one particular month, when I started seeing those signs, I did the self examination in the shower, because they said that's really a great place to do it. And lo and behold, I'm like, Huh. So I found a knot in. I waited, I was at first I was like no, you know, I was trying to tell myself that no, this can't be. But I finally made the appointment and went and found out that I was that I had stage two actually was odd because I was like the size of the tumor. I was in the middle of stage one and stage two. Anyways, I think they coded at stage two, stage two breast cancer. But my doctor said if I followed through with the protocol that he had put down for me, after all the biopsies and everything that it's everything I would survive. So I really liked this particular particular doctor a lot. And a lot of people started coming saying you need to go get a second opinion, second opinion. And I'm like, No, I really liked this doctor. And I really like what he's about. So I stayed firm, even though I had all these other people coming at me with you need to go get a second opinion. I felt very confident in my decision to stay with that doctor and all my other doctors were there anyway, so I had to stay firm in my decision. And what I felt the Lord was telling me to do. And so anyways, I I listened to that, and I stuck with it. And I'm so thankful that I did because in the end, the Lord took care of all the finances, because my health insurance and foreign pharmaceutical insurance had changed. That year, they put a cap on the pharmaceutical side. And Anyways, long story short, that place Watson clinic Cancer Care gave me all the medication that I needed, which was over 20 grand worth of self injected drug that I needed in that time to boost my white and my red blood cells. So that was a blessing and in my I was like Thank You, Lord, that I listened to you.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen. To me, and Wow. Thank God and thank God for your healing too. And I'm just so grateful for that and I can't imagine that time. You know, you going through that walking through that and working again in the corporate world and having a lot of pressures hitting you from that way. Because when you are way up the ladder, there's a lot of responsibility that goes with that. And then you're dealing with this devastating news. And I know that there's women out there right now relating to you being in the workplace work environment, but yet you're hit with such tragedy, and news like that, you know, it rocks your world, almost to a halt. But so you were struggling at that point with thinking about an early retirement, surrendering that corporate job and you were concerned about finances as well. And you were ready to step out in faith and believe that God was going to catch you and carry you. But some of our listeners right now, don't necessarily know you know how to relate right there. But But you did. You took that step of faith, you stepped out, and God took care of you in ways you couldn't imagine, Tammy, and you shared that with me on a separate call. And I just thought, wow, that is so amazing how he did take care of you. And during that time, he used your grandmother in a profound way, financially, emotionally. And can you talk about that time and even how your life as an actress too came involved in that time? Talk about that time?

Tammy Hanson  
Yes, after after I'm actually listening to the Lord and surrendering my will. Leaving my cush job. With Publix. I say Cush, it, it was moments, but I think we're still all still blessed. When we have a decent career no matter what, because it's just amazing that we live in a country and that we can actually work in a corporate world and have all these benefits, etc, etc. But anyways, when I left the company I was so I was like, Okay, Lord, this is my retirement, this is what I have. This is probably only going to last me if I'm doing my numbers, right, about five or six years, which is still a blessing, but I'm like, I thought this was for retirement. And I'm not normally 47 I think I can't remember my age. But anyways, so I built a home. I built a home for my grandmother and I knew that she needed me. My grandmother raised me my grandmother took care of I was a brat so she spoiled. She spoiled me she but anyways, I thought it was her turn meaning my turn to take care of her because she needed me. So I resigned from Publix. And I said, Okay, Lord, not my will, Your will. Long story short, I took my grandmother in, moved her in my home, got a room all nice and setup. Just made it really cute for her and we had a conversation. And she's told me, I don't want you to retire. I don't want you to touch your retirement. I want to take care of this. So my grandmother because she was blessed in those areas, because she had my grandmother widowed, she found love twice and widowed twice and her 88 years that she was on this earth. Both husbands left her with nice pension and security at a little higher than the average. So she took care of the mortgage and everything. So I didn't have to touch my retirement. I was like it's beautiful. Your god or something, you know, you know what you're doing? I'm just saying that we all know that he knows a lot more than we he knows further down than we do. But um, anyways, so I was like, Wow, Lord. So in the midst of that, so I didn't have to worry about finances, grocery, she took care of everything. Everything she even spoke bought me. We went on road trips. She even bought me a few things here and there, which I was like, Thank you, you know, she's still spoiling me in my 40s she I the Lord also used her as sandpaper in my life because I've never I'm uh, I'm divorced. I've been divorced for over 20 years myself. I'm married very young, but never had any children. So I've never had to take care of any human being. So so I really didn't have like compat there were some fat things I was lacking. So he definitely used my grandmother, and I call it as sandpaper because I had some rough edges and still do mean, but wow. He used her in her have found way in that area. And also to as far as doing fun things in my life being an actress, she brought that up. She's like, you remember when you used to do this? And I'm like, yeah, she's I said, are you okay with me? She's like, Yeah, so there was time, I could leave her an hour or two by herself go take an acting class. And little did I know that it would lead into much more. Today as far as acting?

Kimberly Hobbs  
Absolutely, absolutely. Ladies, we don't know the plans that God has for us. But he does have plans. And when you think about surrendering your life at different times, like Tammy, she was hit with breast cancer, she surrenders her life. But God was taking care of her. She couldn't really focus in that part of her life anymore in the corporate world. And she took that step of faith, to leave it, and God says, for us to commit everything that we do to the Lord, trust Him. And He will help you that Psalm 37 Five, I love to share that verse all the time, because that's exactly what you did. Tammy, you trusted him that he was going to help you and grandma helped with? Well, you call her nanny helped you with your finances helped you get into acting school helped you? There was even more which we're going to talk about which was going to college, but he was already on your financial needs before you even retired or resigned for corporate because that's what God does. He goes before us, he already knows the plans he has for us. So how in the world did you get into getting your master's degree in Biblical studies, that was later in life?

Tammy Hanson  
That actually, when I was, I was still working it. I was still working at corporate and I, we all know when we go to, it's great to go to church. But when you don't, like I didn't learn, I was so focused on playing music, that I was like, It's time to get up back on a platform that I would listen it not. And I was terrible with reading the Word. I admitted I was ignorant. For several years of my going to church, even though I've been going to church for over 20 years, I was ignorant in the beginning. So on my I felt like the Lord put on my heart to start going to school because the church that I had been attending started giving classes, and you could earn credit and earn a degree. So I was like, I'm gonna do this. Oh, so um, when I felt like he put it on my heart to do I started classes a little did I know, I'd be master's degree all these years later. But I'm so thankful that I did it because I knowing knowing more about the word and why we're even here in studying the life of Jesus. And just really, even though I say I have a Master's, there are people out there that have four and five masters. By the way, I learned that I was like, what I'm like, I'm stopping at one. Because keeping the main I'm sure I mean, that's just me, because I already I understand I'm like keeping Jesus keeping the main thing, the main thing and that's loving God and loving people and being trying to do our best by following Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ was our example. He came here on this earth. And you can read it in the four gospels, how he lived his life, here, and when we keep the main thing, the main thing and then that is Jesus, I'm like, I think I'm gonna stop here, Lord, with the Masters I've had, you know, I'm thankful to have had the time to you know, take those classes and learn why I'm even here and the whole story because the whole Bible is just it leads all the way up to Jesus. It's all about Jesus anyways, even though you have the old and the new. I didn't know that I would not have known that had I not gone to school, and praise God for church, I love church. But for me to have learned what I've learned school was the way for me to go and here I am with a masters and think thank God I'm, I've graduated, couldn't live my life now and, and have a firm foundation. That's the other thing is have a firm foundation, especially what I'm called to do,

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen, amen. I love love, love that because, again, you weren't necessarily planning that out but God already had a plan for your life and he moves us, right he moves us in the directions that we should go and we are in tune with him and you are surrendering Your life for a purpose and God had you moving in that direction. And I love that. So God was already on your financial needs your emotional needs before you even retired or resigned from corporate. And so I love that he had a plan for Tammy, he has a plan for you ladies and He will take care of your future. There's a scripture that says, show me the right path, oh, Lord, point out the road for me to follow, lead me by your truth and teach me and God was teaching Tammy, for you are the God who saves me all day long, I put my hope in you. And that's what Tammy did. She put her hope in God, that Psalm 24, four and five. So you have this master's degree Tammy, where are you going with it? And what is God telling you to do with it at this age in your life, because you are an older life, you go and get your Masters at this age in life. So now now what?

Tammy Hanson  
I don't know. The what really is, I have peace about in my spirit regarding my masters. I am called to work in both the secular and the Christian film world. And for me to go in and be able to read a script, whether it's family friendly, or versus a Christian script, because sometimes there are Christian scripts out there that aren't aligned with the word. And you have to be really careful. Not that I'm perfect. Not that I catch everything. But I can say that right now, because I did recently read a script that was Christian and it wasn't aligned with the word and I was like, in I don't want I want to have a firm, solid foundation. And I want to, even though I'm gonna I mean, I'm not perfect, we're all going to make mistakes. That's one of the main reasons why how my degree degree is going to be used. I don't see myself as being a teacher, I just see myself as going out in the world, just like Jesus's disciples did. And being that disciple, and being who that person being an example of Christ to whoever may come my way, you know, when we're on a set, when we're learning a script, whether it's family friendly, versus a Christian script, you have to be real careful with that. Because when it's labeled, that you don't want to steer someone in the wrong direction with beliefs in the way the word is extremely aligned. Text contextually. Now, anyways, the main reason right now unless the Lord changes it, and you know how he, the Lord does, sometimes you're on you're going this way. And he might come in and say, Nope, I want you to go this way. So that's another, that could happen. But to be honest, right now, all I know is it's just going to be used as far as me making the right decision and right choices when I'm reading a script. Or when I'm in the presence of someone that may or may not know the Lord or has a question about the Lord and praying and hoping to lead them in the right direction contextually.

Kimberly Hobbs  
And I love that I love that he used your education and gave you confirmation right away, even with this movie that came about and you had to reject it, because it went contrary to what you now know, because of your master's in Biblical Studies. Like, wow, God, thank you, you know, even for that one moment that you did decided not to take part in that. And so I respect you for that, Tammy, I do or and it's hard. It's hard, because again, that's another form of surrender, right ladies listening that, you know, I'm sure she wanted that job. She wanted that money. She was excited. You get excited when things come your way. But it could also be a test lady. So be careful because again, God is going to test your heart, your your, your surrender to him, and I am thankful that you chose because of what you know, and God gave you that wisdom to discern at that moment, and you chose the right the right thing to do. So, in closing, let's talk to the woman right now who is facing her surrender moment. Tammy, it may be a career that she has and she wants to have kids and she's got to leave that career or maybe taking a step of faith to serve God somewhere out there and it she doesn't know Oh, she should take that step and do it because that's going to require surrender. Or maybe she's leaving a broken situation that's holding her captive. What can you share with her in a minute of what she should do from your heart, just share?

Tammy Hanson  
I would say just expect, you know, with confidence and know that the Lord, His plan is so much better. Even though it may not look the way we want it to look in the present in the here and now. Just take one day at a time and pay attention to what he's saying to you now. And if he's not speaking, he's just giving you peace and rest, but he's not literally speaking to you audibly or confirming things in your spirit. Just listen to remember the last thing that he told you. That's what I hold, held on to. And even now in my life, same thing. There are questions that arise because he's stretching me now I think he's going to stretch us until the day of glory. Right? And so for me, I'm having to hold on to the last thing that he said, because he's making, he's allowing me to rest right now and enjoy his presence.

Kimberly Hobbs  
An amen for that. I love that he is and he's allowing you that time. That's beautiful. And, and yes, Lady is just what she said, you know, God's gonna show you and he says, For my thoughts are not your thoughts. neither are your ways, my ways, declares the Lord, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. And, ladies, that verse has so much right there that, you know, why do we continue to take control over our lives when God clearly says that he knows more than we do. He's all knowing all powerful with Him, all things are possible. So when you surrender, whatever that issue is in your life right now that you're just holding on to so tight that decision. Just remember that God's ways aren't your ways. And when you trust Him and rely on Him for everything, when you go to his word, he's going to take care of you. He's going to see you through just like he saw Tammy through with providing her grandmother who provided finances, who provided emotional help for her when she needed her. At that time during breast cancer, and then going to acting school and encouraging her to get back in God took care of her all the steps, he's going to take care of you all through the steps of whatever it is you're facing right now. Be confident with that, know how much he loves you be patient, listen to the right voice. And I love the scripture in Isaiah 3221. Whether you turn to the left, or to the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it. Listen for that voice. As we have to close out I just want to thank Tammy Hansen for being our guest today. And Tammy, if there is any way that the ladies want to reach out to you or watch some of your movies or films, or how can they look for you

Tammy Hanson  
Right now, on Tubi. I don't know if you're familiar with the streaming to be TV. One of the movies that we did to bring awareness to the human sex trafficking is called not for sale. I have one of the lead roles and that it's streaming now on to BTV. Also, I have Instagram and Facebook and Instagram. If you want to follow me it's Tamizh live one to seven. And then on Facebook, I have a page, Tammy Hansen actor, and you can follow that. And I post when I have things that are completed, I usually post a link on those two social media sites.

Kimberly Hobbs  
That's wonderful. Thank you so much, and the ladies can reach out to you there and ladies always know that any of our guests if you would like to reach out further and you forget, you know, and you just contact us we can help you through him and world leaders to find who you're looking for. And Tammy is one of our women world leaders I'm so grateful to say and she indict and Deanna Elaine, who is another comedian, actress, faith based. They together do some fun things for women, world leaders, and they're doing these little short films. So if you're on our Facebook group, or yeah, they're mainly shown on our Facebook group. It's about the voice of truth magazine, which is our magazine that comes out quarterly. And to me, in the end, do these cute little stints and their comedy. It's kind of just so cute. But anyway, you can see a little bit of their acting. And I do want to share about voice of truth magazine while I'm on that, that ladies, this magazine is beautiful. It goes out to the world digitally for free. We're in 70 countries, and this magazine will bless you it comes out. Like I said, quarterly. And we also have the printed version that is available through our website, if you'd like to have it mailed to you. It's 100 pages color, it's coffee, table quality, it's done with excellence for our Lord. Every magazine contains the gospel message of Jesus. And we are grateful for that because it's all about lives coming to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. And then this magazine is to bless women, we don't have advertisements in it anything this is truly to bless you. So if you would like a copy of voice or truth, just go to www dot women world There is also many other things on our website available for you daily, we have the devotions. And we have events that come up we have books that you can read or even be a part of if you are feeling led to be part of this ministry in any way, one of the things we offer is writing. You can write your story if God's given you a story in one of our books. So think about it, pray about it. We'd love to have you with us from wherever you are in the world. We have leadership connect every third Monday of the month on Zoom. Ladies, there's a lot to do in women world leaders if you would like to join us and we would love to have you join us. But for now we have to close thank you again Tammy Hansen for being our guest and ladies from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders all content is copyrighted by women, more leaders and cannot be used without expressed written consent. God bless you all have a beautiful day in Jesus

Today's guest, Tammy Hanson, faith-based actress and musician who holds a biblical studies masters degree, shares her "surrender story."   From climbing the corporate ladder of success to a tragic turn of events in her life, Tammy shares her story of hope to encourage you that our surrender to God is very important, although not always easy.   *****  

Kimberly Hobbs   Welcome to Empowering Lives with Purpose. And I'm your host, Kimberly Hobbs, I'm the founder of a Women World Leaders. And today, we are here to encourage you, to empower you to walk with Jesus to find what that beautiful purpose is that God created you for and use it because he did create you for a purpose. And one of the things we love to do is bring guests on that share their story, that can also help encourage you because possibly you can relate to what they've gone through in their life, or hear about how they are seeking God in their life and in their walk, which in turn helps us and we just love what God does. Through these interviews that we do. Today is Tammy Hansen, who is our guest welcome, Tammy.

Tammy Hanson   Hi! Thank you for having me.

Kimberly Hobbs   Of course, Tammy is from Orlando, Florida. And she is going to be talking today about surrendering and it's not easy. It's not easy to surrender. But we believe that every believer has received grace gifts. So God says use them to serve one another, as faithful stewards of the many colored tapestry of God's grace. That's First Peter 410. And Tammy is going to be sharing today about some of her gifts and what God has done in and through her life to allow her to continue on in serving him. So I want to share a little bit about who Tammy is. And Tammy Hansen is a single Christian walking with Jesus for over 20 years. She holds a Master's of art in Biblical Studies. She enjoys acting, and playing piano or drums on the praise team at her church. She also enjoys Disney theme parks traveling with her mom and friends and loves her two chihuahuas to Keita and Coco. Tammy love learning to follow the example of Jesus in the gospels. And she studied his life and how to love the Father, and to love people. But she loved her career too. So today, she's going to share a little bit about her story of 23 years in the corporate world, and climbing that ladder of success that I'm sure some of you can relate to. And that's where she saw that she could be a witness for the Lord was in that time, and she's going to talk a little bit about that time until something devastating hit. So Tammy, do you want to share about that time in the corporate world until you got that devastating news?

Tammy Hanson   Oh, yes. And I, having worked in the corporate world. Little did I know that the Lord was gonna have me there for so long. But anyways, when I first started out working at Publix corporate headquarters in the retirement area, I was so eager to learn everything about the retirement plans. And I started in at the bottom level. And once I got my, my desk organized, and all my work done, I always wanted to take on other tasks to learn other things about the retirement department and grow. And little did I know that and now especially looking back, having done that I never in that 23 year career had to apply for a position in the retirement department. They always came to me and asked me if I would like to be promoted to whatever was next. And I'm I was just like, yes. So with that being said, I did the same thing. Every time I was promoted, I always learned my position, got really good at it, and manage my time very well and did the same thing learned something new about another level within the retirement department. So with that being said, again, it happened again, they'd asked me if I wanted to be promoted to the next level and so on and so forth. So that kind of happened in my career. Working at Publix, and the very last position that I had in the in the retirement department before I started praying to the Lord about is this what you want me to do for the rest of my life? If so, you're going to have to allow or make something happen. For me to know that it's us speaking Lord. I was promoted to one of the top positions within the retirement department was titled The agent and the analyst on the retirement plan at Publix supermarkets Incorporated. And if you know much about Publix supermarkets, their retirement plan is one of the biggest in the nation. It's an employee stock ownership plan. And it's, it's owned by the employees and Publix gives you stock based on your eligible wages. So with that being said, every year, associates if you qualify if you met the criteria, you got paid public stock shares in your retirement plan, which is a federal retirement plan based on your eligible wages for that year. And sometimes that can be 8.5% of your calendar year wages in stock and then you have to imagine the the growth the growth year and if the stock splits so the compounding interest on that. It's crazy. I don't have the number in my head as far as what a stock if you were to purchase stock way back when would it be would be valued at today, but I can tell you this the numbers the the amount. It's It's It's crazy. Good. So all that being said, I did I had a cush. I had a cush position there the last few years working with Publix until I started feeling a little stagnant in my position and just started praying. But anyways, right in the middle of that career with Publix, I were women. So I can say this, I started seeing the signs of breast cancer, breast cancer, I just saw the signs not not to be weird about I just saw the signs, like when I go for my checkups this, that and the other to do your self examination. So I was like, you know, maybe it is time to do that. But wait and do it the right time, you know, after your monthly. So that one particular month, when I started seeing those signs, I did the self examination in the shower, because they said that's really a great place to do it. And lo and behold, I'm like, Huh. So I found a knot in. I waited, I was at first I was like no, you know, I was trying to tell myself that no, this can't be. But I finally made the appointment and went and found out that I was that I had stage two actually was odd because I was like the size of the tumor. I was in the middle of stage one and stage two. Anyways, I think they coded at stage two, stage two breast cancer. But my doctor said if I followed through with the protocol that he had put down for me, after all the biopsies and everything that it's everything I would survive. So I really liked this particular particular doctor a lot. And a lot of people started coming saying you need to go get a second opinion, second opinion. And I'm like, No, I really liked this doctor. And I really like what he's about. So I stayed firm, even though I had all these other people coming at me with you need to go get a second opinion. I felt very confident in my decision to stay with that doctor and all my other doctors were there anyway, so I had to stay firm in my decision. And what I felt the Lord was telling me to do. And so anyways, I I listened to that, and I stuck with it. And I'm so thankful that I did because in the end, the Lord took care of all the finances, because my health insurance and foreign pharmaceutical insurance had changed. That year, they put a cap on the pharmaceutical side. And Anyways, long story short, that place Watson clinic Cancer Care gave me all the medication that I needed, which was over 20 grand worth of self injected drug that I needed in that time to boost my white and my red blood cells. So that was a blessing and in my I was like Thank You, Lord, that I listened to you.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. To me, and Wow. Thank God and thank God for your healing too. And I'm just so grateful for that and I can't imagine that time. You know, you going through that walking through that and working again in the corporate world and having a lot of pressures hitting you from that way. Because when you are way up the ladder, there's a lot of responsibility that goes with that. And then you're dealing with this devastating news. And I know that there's women out there right now relating to you being in the workplace work environment, but yet you're hit with such tragedy, and news like that, you know, it rocks your world, almost to a halt. But so you were struggling at that point with thinking about an early retirement, surrendering that corporate job and you were concerned about finances as well. And you were ready to step out in faith and believe that God was going to catch you and carry you. But some of our listeners right now, don't necessarily know you know how to relate right there. But But you did. You took that step of faith, you stepped out, and God took care of you in ways you couldn't imagine, Tammy, and you shared that with me on a separate call. And I just thought, wow, that is so amazing how he did take care of you. And during that time, he used your grandmother in a profound way, financially, emotionally. And can you talk about that time and even how your life as an actress too came involved in that time? Talk about that time?

Tammy Hanson   Yes, after after I'm actually listening to the Lord and surrendering my will. Leaving my cush job. With Publix. I say Cush, it, it was moments, but I think we're still all still blessed. When we have a decent career no matter what, because it's just amazing that we live in a country and that we can actually work in a corporate world and have all these benefits, etc, etc. But anyways, when I left the company I was so I was like, Okay, Lord, this is my retirement, this is what I have. This is probably only going to last me if I'm doing my numbers, right, about five or six years, which is still a blessing, but I'm like, I thought this was for retirement. And I'm not normally 47 I think I can't remember my age. But anyways, so I built a home. I built a home for my grandmother and I knew that she needed me. My grandmother raised me my grandmother took care of I was a brat so she spoiled. She spoiled me she but anyways, I thought it was her turn meaning my turn to take care of her because she needed me. So I resigned from Publix. And I said, Okay, Lord, not my will, Your will. Long story short, I took my grandmother in, moved her in my home, got a room all nice and setup. Just made it really cute for her and we had a conversation. And she's told me, I don't want you to retire. I don't want you to touch your retirement. I want to take care of this. So my grandmother because she was blessed in those areas, because she had my grandmother widowed, she found love twice and widowed twice and her 88 years that she was on this earth. Both husbands left her with nice pension and security at a little higher than the average. So she took care of the mortgage and everything. So I didn't have to touch my retirement. I was like it's beautiful. Your god or something, you know, you know what you're doing? I'm just saying that we all know that he knows a lot more than we he knows further down than we do. But um, anyways, so I was like, Wow, Lord. So in the midst of that, so I didn't have to worry about finances, grocery, she took care of everything. Everything she even spoke bought me. We went on road trips. She even bought me a few things here and there, which I was like, Thank you, you know, she's still spoiling me in my 40s she I the Lord also used her as sandpaper in my life because I've never I'm uh, I'm divorced. I've been divorced for over 20 years myself. I'm married very young, but never had any children. So I've never had to take care of any human being. So so I really didn't have like compat there were some fat things I was lacking. So he definitely used my grandmother, and I call it as sandpaper because I had some rough edges and still do mean, but wow. He used her in her have found way in that area. And also to as far as doing fun things in my life being an actress, she brought that up. She's like, you remember when you used to do this? And I'm like, yeah, she's I said, are you okay with me? She's like, Yeah, so there was time, I could leave her an hour or two by herself go take an acting class. And little did I know that it would lead into much more. Today as far as acting?

Kimberly Hobbs   Absolutely, absolutely. Ladies, we don't know the plans that God has for us. But he does have plans. And when you think about surrendering your life at different times, like Tammy, she was hit with breast cancer, she surrenders her life. But God was taking care of her. She couldn't really focus in that part of her life anymore in the corporate world. And she took that step of faith, to leave it, and God says, for us to commit everything that we do to the Lord, trust Him. And He will help you that Psalm 37 Five, I love to share that verse all the time, because that's exactly what you did. Tammy, you trusted him that he was going to help you and grandma helped with? Well, you call her nanny helped you with your finances helped you get into acting school helped you? There was even more which we're going to talk about which was going to college, but he was already on your financial needs before you even retired or resigned for corporate because that's what God does. He goes before us, he already knows the plans he has for us. So how in the world did you get into getting your master's degree in Biblical studies, that was later in life?

Tammy Hanson   That actually, when I was, I was still working it. I was still working at corporate and I, we all know when we go to, it's great to go to church. But when you don't, like I didn't learn, I was so focused on playing music, that I was like, It's time to get up back on a platform that I would listen it not. And I was terrible with reading the Word. I admitted I was ignorant. For several years of my going to church, even though I've been going to church for over 20 years, I was ignorant in the beginning. So on my I felt like the Lord put on my heart to start going to school because the church that I had been attending started giving classes, and you could earn credit and earn a degree. So I was like, I'm gonna do this. Oh, so um, when I felt like he put it on my heart to do I started classes a little did I know, I'd be master's degree all these years later. But I'm so thankful that I did it because I knowing knowing more about the word and why we're even here in studying the life of Jesus. And just really, even though I say I have a Master's, there are people out there that have four and five masters. By the way, I learned that I was like, what I'm like, I'm stopping at one. Because keeping the main I'm sure I mean, that's just me, because I already I understand I'm like keeping Jesus keeping the main thing, the main thing and that's loving God and loving people and being trying to do our best by following Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ was our example. He came here on this earth. And you can read it in the four gospels, how he lived his life, here, and when we keep the main thing, the main thing and then that is Jesus, I'm like, I think I'm gonna stop here, Lord, with the Masters I've had, you know, I'm thankful to have had the time to you know, take those classes and learn why I'm even here and the whole story because the whole Bible is just it leads all the way up to Jesus. It's all about Jesus anyways, even though you have the old and the new. I didn't know that I would not have known that had I not gone to school, and praise God for church, I love church. But for me to have learned what I've learned school was the way for me to go and here I am with a masters and think thank God I'm, I've graduated, couldn't live my life now and, and have a firm foundation. That's the other thing is have a firm foundation, especially what I'm called to do,

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen, amen. I love love, love that because, again, you weren't necessarily planning that out but God already had a plan for your life and he moves us, right he moves us in the directions that we should go and we are in tune with him and you are surrendering Your life for a purpose and God had you moving in that direction. And I love that. So God was already on your financial needs your emotional needs before you even retired or resigned from corporate. And so I love that he had a plan for Tammy, he has a plan for you ladies and He will take care of your future. There's a scripture that says, show me the right path, oh, Lord, point out the road for me to follow, lead me by your truth and teach me and God was teaching Tammy, for you are the God who saves me all day long, I put my hope in you. And that's what Tammy did. She put her hope in God, that Psalm 24, four and five. So you have this master's degree Tammy, where are you going with it? And what is God telling you to do with it at this age in your life, because you are an older life, you go and get your Masters at this age in life. So now now what?

Tammy Hanson   I don't know. The what really is, I have peace about in my spirit regarding my masters. I am called to work in both the secular and the Christian film world. And for me to go in and be able to read a script, whether it's family friendly, or versus a Christian script, because sometimes there are Christian scripts out there that aren't aligned with the word. And you have to be really careful. Not that I'm perfect. Not that I catch everything. But I can say that right now, because I did recently read a script that was Christian and it wasn't aligned with the word and I was like, in I don't want I want to have a firm, solid foundation. And I want to, even though I'm gonna I mean, I'm not perfect, we're all going to make mistakes. That's one of the main reasons why how my degree degree is going to be used. I don't see myself as being a teacher, I just see myself as going out in the world, just like Jesus's disciples did. And being that disciple, and being who that person being an example of Christ to whoever may come my way, you know, when we're on a set, when we're learning a script, whether it's family friendly, versus a Christian script, you have to be real careful with that. Because when it's labeled, that you don't want to steer someone in the wrong direction with beliefs in the way the word is extremely aligned. Text contextually. Now, anyways, the main reason right now unless the Lord changes it, and you know how he, the Lord does, sometimes you're on you're going this way. And he might come in and say, Nope, I want you to go this way. So that's another, that could happen. But to be honest, right now, all I know is it's just going to be used as far as me making the right decision and right choices when I'm reading a script. Or when I'm in the presence of someone that may or may not know the Lord or has a question about the Lord and praying and hoping to lead them in the right direction contextually.

Kimberly Hobbs   And I love that I love that he used your education and gave you confirmation right away, even with this movie that came about and you had to reject it, because it went contrary to what you now know, because of your master's in Biblical Studies. Like, wow, God, thank you, you know, even for that one moment that you did decided not to take part in that. And so I respect you for that, Tammy, I do or and it's hard. It's hard, because again, that's another form of surrender, right ladies listening that, you know, I'm sure she wanted that job. She wanted that money. She was excited. You get excited when things come your way. But it could also be a test lady. So be careful because again, God is going to test your heart, your your, your surrender to him, and I am thankful that you chose because of what you know, and God gave you that wisdom to discern at that moment, and you chose the right the right thing to do. So, in closing, let's talk to the woman right now who is facing her surrender moment. Tammy, it may be a career that she has and she wants to have kids and she's got to leave that career or maybe taking a step of faith to serve God somewhere out there and it she doesn't know Oh, she should take that step and do it because that's going to require surrender. Or maybe she's leaving a broken situation that's holding her captive. What can you share with her in a minute of what she should do from your heart, just share?

Tammy Hanson   I would say just expect, you know, with confidence and know that the Lord, His plan is so much better. Even though it may not look the way we want it to look in the present in the here and now. Just take one day at a time and pay attention to what he's saying to you now. And if he's not speaking, he's just giving you peace and rest, but he's not literally speaking to you audibly or confirming things in your spirit. Just listen to remember the last thing that he told you. That's what I hold, held on to. And even now in my life, same thing. There are questions that arise because he's stretching me now I think he's going to stretch us until the day of glory. Right? And so for me, I'm having to hold on to the last thing that he said, because he's making, he's allowing me to rest right now and enjoy his presence.

Kimberly Hobbs   An amen for that. I love that he is and he's allowing you that time. That's beautiful. And, and yes, Lady is just what she said, you know, God's gonna show you and he says, For my thoughts are not your thoughts. neither are your ways, my ways, declares the Lord, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. And, ladies, that verse has so much right there that, you know, why do we continue to take control over our lives when God clearly says that he knows more than we do. He's all knowing all powerful with Him, all things are possible. So when you surrender, whatever that issue is in your life right now that you're just holding on to so tight that decision. Just remember that God's ways aren't your ways. And when you trust Him and rely on Him for everything, when you go to his word, he's going to take care of you. He's going to see you through just like he saw Tammy through with providing her grandmother who provided finances, who provided emotional help for her when she needed her. At that time during breast cancer, and then going to acting school and encouraging her to get back in God took care of her all the steps, he's going to take care of you all through the steps of whatever it is you're facing right now. Be confident with that, know how much he loves you be patient, listen to the right voice. And I love the scripture in Isaiah 3221. Whether you turn to the left, or to the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it. Listen for that voice. As we have to close out I just want to thank Tammy Hansen for being our guest today. And Tammy, if there is any way that the ladies want to reach out to you or watch some of your movies or films, or how can they look for you

Tammy Hanson   Right now, on Tubi. I don't know if you're familiar with the streaming to be TV. One of the movies that we did to bring awareness to the human sex trafficking is called not for sale. I have one of the lead roles and that it's streaming now on to BTV. Also, I have Instagram and Facebook and Instagram. If you want to follow me it's Tamizh live one to seven. And then on Facebook, I have a page, Tammy Hansen actor, and you can follow that. And I post when I have things that are completed, I usually post a link on those two social media sites.

Kimberly Hobbs   That's wonderful. Thank you so much, and the ladies can reach out to you there and ladies always know that any of our guests if you would like to reach out further and you forget, you know, and you just contact us we can help you through him and world leaders to find who you're looking for. And Tammy is one of our women world leaders I'm so grateful to say and she indict and Deanna Elaine, who is another comedian, actress, faith based. They together do some fun things for women, world leaders, and they're doing these little short films. So if you're on our Facebook group, or yeah, they're mainly shown on our Facebook group. It's about the voice of truth magazine, which is our magazine that comes out quarterly. And to me, in the end, do these cute little stints and their comedy. It's kind of just so cute. But anyway, you can see a little bit of their acting. And I do want to share about voice of truth magazine while I'm on that, that ladies, this magazine is beautiful. It goes out to the world digitally for free. We're in 70 countries, and this magazine will bless you it comes out. Like I said, quarterly. And we also have the printed version that is available through our website, if you'd like to have it mailed to you. It's 100 pages color, it's coffee, table quality, it's done with excellence for our Lord. Every magazine contains the gospel message of Jesus. And we are grateful for that because it's all about lives coming to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. And then this magazine is to bless women, we don't have advertisements in it anything this is truly to bless you. So if you would like a copy of voice or truth, just go to www dot women world There is also many other things on our website available for you daily, we have the devotions. And we have events that come up we have books that you can read or even be a part of if you are feeling led to be part of this ministry in any way, one of the things we offer is writing. You can write your story if God's given you a story in one of our books. So think about it, pray about it. We'd love to have you with us from wherever you are in the world. We have leadership connect every third Monday of the month on Zoom. Ladies, there's a lot to do in women world leaders if you would like to join us and we would love to have you join us. But for now we have to close thank you again Tammy Hansen for being our guest and ladies from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders all content is copyrighted by women, more leaders and cannot be used without expressed written consent. God bless you all have a beautiful day in Jesus