There is a massive difference between "believing in God" and "believing God!". He has promises for each of us. He also has a purpose and plan that is meant to prosper us, bless us and propel us into His divine plan and purpose for our lives. But how do we do this when life is tough? Rusanne Carole will explore some things to ponder, including we have the ability to live heaven on earth with God's power and grace. 




Welcome to Women World Leader’s “Celebrating God’s Grace” Podcast. Thanks for joining us today. Women World Leaders mission is to globally invest in the lives of women discovering their lifework and purpose within God’s design. And there are certainly seasons of our “life works” – whether it is being at home raising young ones or running huge corporations we, through God’s grace and power, can experience the exceeding abundance of God’s glorious work through us as believers and followers of Jesus Christ.

We, at Women World Leaders, provide numerous opportunities to come together, as women of God, to love, support and encourage each other. Check out our website at

Whether it’s joining our prayer team or you may have a prayer request; you may want to attend a meeting on-line or come to a live event (we happen to have one on the 11th of March at Keiser University – Palm Beach, Florida USA); check out our Voice of Truth Magazine, full of stories, testimony, poetry and art ; or become a monthly donor to help support the ministry in sharing the gospel message. There’s devotions, teaching, weekly podcasts too!  Wherever God may be leading you, you are welcome. Come as you are and join women from all over the world as we honor Jesus who is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20


 I’m Rusanne Carole and I want to talk to you today about Believing! Believing IN GOD and actually BELIEVING GOD. There is a difference.


When did you first BELIEVE? For some, you can remember the day, the time, exactly where you were. For others, it was a gradual “knowing, believing and accepting”. There is no “right” or “better” way to accept Jesus into your heart.

OR, ARE YOU STILL QUESTIONING WHETHER THERE IS A GOD? That’s OK too, GOD KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE YOUR HEART AND MIND IS. I think He likes the questions. He likes us to talk to Him and He is willing to answer every question if we let Him.

 He is a patient God. He is a gentleman, not forcing Himself upon us but allowing us to come freely to Him. That is LOVE.

So, if we believe in God,  do we also believe God? Do we believe in all His promises and that they are for us?

It is especially difficult to believe this when life hasn’t been easy and we feel we are constantly struggling? One battle after another!

Yet how do we do this, each day as the raging storm waters continue to rise,


How do we worship when not much in life is going well?

How do we praise with a broken heart?

How do we persevere with praise & worship when there doesn’t seem to be much to celebrate?


It’s a choice. It takes practice. And the practice will help make it permanent and more consistent.

It’s a lifestyle. It’s a surrender. It’s a falling down and getting back up over & over again!

It’s training (a spiritual training)  & a progressive renewal of the mind to slowly and consistently know who we are in Christ.

It’s believing that we, with God’s strength and power, are becoming who we are destined to be.

It’s trusting our heavenly Father with every step of our journey –


Faith happens when believers believe. How do we do this?


Heed the WORD

Test the WORD

God’s Word is the seed that grows the faith!

So I’ll ask, how is the seed in your garden of faith?

2 Timothy 4:17 –“ But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me”

We don’t do this alone, we do it with the help of the Holy Spirit, the teacher of truth.

His Word tells us over & over again He stands with us, never leaving us on our own. And He strengthens us – when the roots are down deep (and embedded for a time)  it’s harder for the “winds of lifes’ storms to throw us off balance.

I’d like to challenge you to ponder this Scripture, Isaiah 43:10 –

“You are my witnesses”, declares the LORD, “And my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me”.  I can hear God saying, Believe me, believe me, believe me!

I love the word, ponder! Marvin Ashton taught, “By pondering we give the spirit an opportunity to impress and direct. Pondering is a powerful link between the heart and the mind”. Kind of like believing. We can believe in God, but unless we truly believe God and what He says we miss out on the abundant and victorious life He has for us. And it is a continual day to day of loving Him, getting to know Him, learning to trust Him and surrendering to His divine plan for our lives.

Let us pray:

Lord, help us to not just believe in You, but to believe YOU! Believe in Your Word, Your promises, Your commands. Help us to live a lifestyle of standing firm in our faith, even if the world around us seems to be going astray. Increase our faith. We know it’s impossible without faith to please You. Let us be your witnesses to everyone around us. And when things get tough send your angels and your people to minister to our hearts. We know it is a life-long path, with the number of days you give us, to meet, live and serve You. But Father strengthen us and teach us to bring heaven to earth and fulfill every little thing you have for us. Help us to bow down and receive the divine promises you have for each of us and not get stuck wandering in the wilderness like the children of Israel. Let us fall in love with Your Word, but most of all open our hearts to experience You – the lover of our soul and the giver of abundant life. Amen