Best-selling author of "Hope Rising" and "Encountering Your Wild God," international speaker Kim Meeder shares her personal story of how her dad murdered her mom and then killed himself. Orphaned at a young age, Kim found Jesus through pain and tragedy. She is now helping thousands of children and others each year to find Jesus through their pain and troubled life.    *****   Kimberly Hobbs  
Hi, ladies, welcome everybody to empowering lives with purpose brought to you by women world leaders. And I'm your host, Kimberly Hobbes, I'm the founder of Women, world leaders. And we are so happy that you decided to join us today. And our desire through this podcast series is to strengthen you, and courage you and just build you up in the name of Jesus. And we are just ordinary women, doing extraordinary things for our Lord and Savior. And we're hoping that through sharing some of the stories and the interviews that we bring to you that your life can be touched in the way that God wants it to that you will hear that special word from him through this interview series. So we hope that this will also spark you into finding your beautiful purpose that God has just for you. So we are God's masterpiece. He's created us a new in Christ Jesus to do the things that he planned for us long ago. He says that in Ephesians, 210. So we are all here for a reason or purpose, God has given us the whole world at our fingertips. So we just have to know how to use that power within us that he's given to us. So we have had different guests that have been willing to come and share with you. And today, I'm so excited, because God has given us a special woman. Her name is Kim meter. And she's brought her to this podcast for such a time as this, I have had just the last hour of just interacting with her and enjoying her. And I am just so excited about our interview today. And we're gonna just see how God leads us today. And, you know, I had Kim send me her bio, and I was going to read it and but we were just like, let's just see how the Holy Spirit leads today. Because it's so important to be just led by the Spirit. And it's not our words, it's God's words. And that's what our hearts are. both Kim and I, we want God's words to come out today. So actually, I'm gonna let her say a little bit about herself and welcome Kim meter, we are just so happy to have you here.

Kim Meeder  
You can really it's so awesome to have an opportunity to meet a like minded woman who, when we know who we are in Jesus. And when we know who Jesus is in us. Everything changes. Everything changes. Everyone comes from somewhere, every woman has been through something. And Jesus Christ will use every minute of what you and I have endured for His glory, when we give it to him. You are so right and fusions 210 is true that we were created to do do do you work for him that if you're a woman, and you have breath in your lungs, you are created to do right, what you're doing look alike will be unique to you. There's no other you in all the world, there's only one you and you were strategically placed in history, and in this nation and abroad for his

Kimberly Hobbs  
moment of time, right? For such a time as this. He's used your life ladies to create you for such a time as this. So

Kim Meeder  
and oftentimes women think that the focus bends inward in that Oh, but you don't know me you don't know my circumstances you don't know my past. You don't know where I'm from. You don't know, the pain that I've endured. And the bottom line is, that is true. But I serve the one who does and if you call yourself by Jesus beautiful name, he does know. All of our journeys are so unique and separate. And Jesus will heal and redeem and fill and lead every day of what you have endured and survived. Some journeys look like this. I came to know the truth of Jesus Christ at a very young age. I was nine years old and at nine years of age, I would look at my mom and think, oh my goodness, I want to grow up and be just like her and my dad was this wild child of the wilderness and he was a downhill ski instructor on a VA Okay, no and the Pacific Northwest and in in my mind, there was nothing that he couldn't do and in the poor cape and flew, and, and I grew up in the castle of their combined love. And it was during that season of time that my dad's best friend came to my little grade school and picked me up and put me in the backseat of his car. And he gathered my two older sisters, I'm the youngest of three girls. And he wouldn't speak to us. And I just had that choking feeling that something terrible has happened, and no one will tell me what it is, no one will speak. And we just started to drive in silence this very familiar road out to my grandparents house and, and I felt like I was choking. And I looked at my oldest sister who was sitting next to me. And without words, she was just streaming silent tears. And she knew too. And we drove down the long driveway to my grandparents home, and there were cars parked all over. And, and for the first time in my young life, I did not want to go into a home where I only ever felt love. Because I was afraid. And I'm taken by my shoulders and just pushed into this home. And it was full of all these breathing, wailing people and, and just to hear grief, rising and mixing in this room. And I was pushed into the arms of a woman that I recognized. I didn't know her name, and she was crying so hard. She could almost not speak. And she just kept going around and around and this nauseating cycle of I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to tell you this. I'm so sorry. And I'm just leaning away from her thinking whatever you're about to say, I don't want to hear it. And finally she said, I don't know how to tell you that your dad has just murdered your mother. And he's taking his own life. And I'm sorry. I know. You're thinking you're a liar. My dad loves my mom, and he loves me, he would never do that lie er. And I just pushed off her chest and ran out the back door in this nine year olds effort to outrun the unthinkable and just ran and ran and ran until there was nothing left and and it wasn't even a far distance. And I remember I had been running through an orchard and the ground had been plowed. And I just fell down in the dirt. And I was inhaling dirt and gagging and choking and retching and screaming. And then I could hear what I thought were animal sounds. And I didn't even recognize the sound of my own voice. And I could hear myself saying, Jesus helped me. Jesus helped me I need you now. And Kimberly, I didn't even know who Jesus was. In the church, I think I'd been to church twice in my life. And all I knew about Jesus is I think he might be the guy on the cross. And wow, I didn't know the power of God's word were in Romans chapter one, it declares that every one intuitively knows God through what he's made. It doesn't matter who you are, how you were raised to believe what culture you're from what religion you were taught, when your heart is being crushed by pain, we know intuitively to turn to the one who made that heart, because we know on some level that he is the only one who can heal and redeem it. I did not know the power of verses like Romans 1013 that say, every one, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved in that moment, is that there was a poem in my heart of hope. And a little flame of hope ignited the moment that I said His name..

Kimberly Hobbs  
His name, the power in the name of Jesus

Kim Meeder  
Yes..Jesus, will you help me and all I knew is in that moment, I knew that I was not alone anymore. And something had started in this heart that said, everything's gonna be alright. You will survive, you will survive. Beginning of knowing and coming face to face with Jesus Christ in the midst of unspeakable violence and tragedy. And in Jesus His Word is true in in Psalms 23, he calls us to walk through that valley of the shadow of darkness. He doesn't tell us to camp out and live there. Right Galatians five one declares it is for freedom, freedom that Jesus Christ has set us free, that when Jesus Christ left heaven, he came to this earth, He lived a perfect life, he laid that life down in my place. And when he rose again, he broke the lock on the prison door of suffering and sin and that door can never be locked again. And it's a fact that we're all going to spend time in that place of suffering and pain. And men listening today are there right now. And sisters, I'm telling you right now that that prison that you think you're locked in, it only has three doors, that door can never be shut again. That's right need to do is reach for the hand of hope that has always been reaching for you and step out into the freedom that already purchased for you. Boom, Jesus love wins every time!

Kimberly Hobbs  
Yes, every time. And ladies, I just want to say this excitement and enthusiasm and Kim's voice right now. Oh, my goodness bless is because Jesus reached in at that moment, and he saw her in her place of need, he will see you in your place of yes, all in the power of the name of Jesus, he comes, ladies, it doesn't matter what you're going through or what you've done. You call on the name of the Lord Jesus, and He will be there. And ladies, this is probably we didn't know how this interview was going to open up. We just said, Lord, you're going to take over. And you know, to start off with something so tragic and painful. As cam I can't even I can't even imagine somebody that was your world, your parents, you loved your mom, you talked about how your mom taught you, you how to do things, to make blankets and amazing things. And you talk about how your dad was that influence and taught you things about the wilderness. You know, all of a sudden, they're gone. They're gone out of your life. And it's such you're an orphan at such a young age, but God, but God, and from the moment, the moment that you were conceived, he knew you he knew what you what your life was going to become. And I haven't even started into this interview yet to tell you how God is using this life that called upon his name and a moment of weakness and a moment of pain and a moment of tragedy in her life. She called out to the one and only person that could save her that could rescue her from what she was going through. And boy he did. And boy, does she have a voice in this world now and what she is using that pain and tragedy from that has now just I just have to tell you what this woman is doing. She has authored now, I think seven books is that right? Kim? Six, almost seven, six, almost seven, She's halfway through her seventh book. She is an author that speaks that speaks God has led her to speak around the world. She is she's opened up a ranch, I'm gonna let her tell you about this, but where she can share these stories about her life and identify with broken hurting children who have no hope in their life. And she can bring them hope now because she was rescued by the one and only that could help change her life forever. So we have a woman here that is going to judge to share from her heart. What she does best. I tell you this book that she read, wrote, I don't know let me see. Encountering our wild God is sharing stories from her heart life stories that will impact the reader of how to encounter our wild God from things she has experienced in her life. And ladies, I'm telling you this book is incredible. And if if I can recommend any book that it's this one right here, I couldn't put it down when I started reading. I seriously read this book and three days and I don't have a lot of time, but I just couldn't put it down. So Kim, we need to talk about some of these things that God has done in your life how he has opened your life to do now ministering to broken hurting children on a ranch that you live in Oregon Bend Oregon. And she has opened up 200 ranches all over the world. Right because of the one ranch that you guys are running right now for our Lord Jesus Christ. Yeah,

Kim Meeder  
This is what Jesus can do with pain that is given to him. And here's what I want women to hear today is that Jesus Christ, your journey, your unique journey is unique to you. And He will heal and transform every day of what you have walked through and use it for His glory. He'll do that Genesis 5020, what the enemy meant to destroy you by Jesus pours His love over in and through, and allows that to be the very thing that gives us life and not only us. But everyone we give it to second Corinthians one three and four is true where God says, don't, you know, paraphrase, that I'm going to comfort you and your time of need. So when others around you go through something similar, you can give them the comfort that I've given you that God's comfort is so powerful, that it not only heals us, it heals everyone we give it to, and in a nutshell, to finish the the encounter. I moved in with my grandparents on that day, they had the wisdom to buy a little horse for me, through the friendship of a little horse and the love of Jesus Christ, this wild child's life was redeemed, and oh of all those years of working through my grief in the presence of a horse, that Jesus was at work, and he was doing something beautiful and powerful. And he was creating that masterpiece. I didn't know any of that. I didn't know that every day of that he was fashioning into what he was calling this life toward. And that was to, to open a ranch that that rescues horses in need, and then combines those horses with children in need for free. Because what Jesus Christ did on the gospel, what he offers, the world is free, how dare we charge anybody for what Jesus Christ gives freely, everyone can afford free. So now this ranch has rescued over 300 horses and counting, and we visit to see about maybe around 5000 visitors a year because everyone can afford free. And we've helped to shoulder into existence, about 220 similar ranch ministries in the United States and Canada and it doesn't inform ladies, that's what God can tell with pain given to him, yes, here there's one pain let me say this quickly. And then I have something I feel strongly that I need to share. There is one pain, one that God cannot heal and redeem and use for His glory. One. And that is the pain you will not release to him. And Fred that is just pain that kills

in that in that prison of pain and suffering and guilt and depression and bitterness and fear and unforgiveness, you want to be in hell on earth. Just don't forgive someone you'll get there like that. Absolutely prison place of suffering. If you are there, and any of those things exist in your life, guess who's holding on to the bars and holding the door shut. That would be you and me. Because what Jesus Christ did on the cross was complete. We have his freedom, every minute of every day. And if we're not free, it's because we're focused more on what hurts than more on the one who feels that that works. Right now, you can open your fingers on that prison door of suffering in sin and step out into the freedom and the the ministry that he's calling you toward and it doesn't have to be a big thing. That's right. Every single human being needs hope. Here's what the Lord is teaching me and this is what I want to speak over every single person who's listening today. In Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. His Spirit lives in you. Spirit of Jesus said about the Holy Spirit in John 1613. He's the one who leads into all truth. He does. You want to know all truth. You want to know what you should do with your life. Follow Him, follow Him, follow Him. He's the one who knows the way and in every single situation. Every shoe can lay. Your life is too broken. You're too messed up, you're too wounded, you can't be healed. You are unsaved you are and valuable. All of that is a lie from the enemy. All of its ally, Asians one if you want to know who you are actually read the whole book of Ephesians that six chapters that will change your life. Right? He is Ephesians one says that you have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing. You are loved. and loaded for the King of kings, and he's put His Spirit in you. So here's what I'm learning. And here's what I what I want to speak over women today. I'm so excited.

Kimberly Hobbs  
I'm so excited, you are amazing. 

Kim Meeder  
So, we serve an amazing God, since we carry His Spirit, we are these vessels of flesh, that carry the living spirit of heaven, we carry the Holy Spirit. And here's what I'm learning that because we carry his spirit, every human interaction that we have, is an opportunity to release everything that He is love, hope, peace, joy, his patience, his kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, every single one of those things we can release all day long. And so I'm learning ladies to simply say, Holy Spirit, lead me. Spirit lead me, and then He does...

Kimberly Hobbs  
That verse...whether you turn to the left or to the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it, he will lead you. That's an Isaiah.

Kim Meeder  
Right, John 10 is work that Jesus calls us His sheep and my sheep don't listen to anybody else. They know my voice, and they follow Me. Amen. So I'm learning how to follow his voice. And recently, I'm learning to invite him the Holy Spirit has an opinion on everything, everything. And I've lived so much of my life on autopilot. I know how to do this. I know how to do that. I know how to run a ministry, I know how to go grocery shopping. I know how to be a wife and to be a leader and to be a counselor a little Oh, wait, your spiritual partner better pray about that. And the Lord and His kindness is letting me know, honey, every moment that you're breathing. That's the spiritual part. That's the part that I want you to invite me into. And so I've been asking him, I need to go buy picture frames today. Where do you want me to go? Seriously, you're gonna ask the the Holy Spirit that and I'm learning Yes. Because he has an opinion. And so on this particular day, he said quickly, Goodwill was like, sweet, I love goodwill. It's like a giant yard sale, and I can afford this stuff. And instantly, I'm shopping the affordable aisles of the Goodwill store in that little tiny town in Central Oregon. And so I have my little blue basket and I find some picture frames, and I start to go to the one checkout counter that was open. And I sensed the Holy Spirit say, No, not yet. So I backed up. And I said, What else and I was redirected. I was getting ready to go do a big speaking tour in a really hot climate. And I was redirected to go buy some things for that climates, like board shorts and flip flops, and Oh, sweet. They're expensive random things, random things. So I go to the checkout counter a second time, and again, felt no, not yet. backed up. And I'm creeping around the Goodwill store. And I feel led to go back, I find one more frame I put it in. So now I'm creeping up to the counter. Like,

Kimberly Hobbs  
Ladies, there's a purpose for this. So please listen carefully. There's a reason God prompted her to go back into the store again.

Kim Meeder  
...and to wait for his timing for his timing. So the third time, I felt nothing but release. So I step in line. And I hear the one little checkout counter woman say to the man, she was serving, I'm sorry, I don't know how to do this. I need to call for help. She calls for help. And another employee comes to help. And she cuts in front of me, she hits my basket, she almost knocks it out of my hands. And she's mad. And she opens up this cash register and she's just fuming. And she doesn't look at me. She said, Did you find everything you need? And I said, Yes, I did. And actually I found things I didn't even know I needed and, and I told her about the things that I was getting ready to do a speaking tour. And I didn't even know I needed those things. And she's like, Oh, that's great. So what do you speak on, and I shared just a little vignette of crystal peaks youth ranch and this ranch that rescues horses and serves kids and, and creates an environment where all can find the healing hope of Jesus Christ. And I get to speak about hope. And she's like, Oh, that's great. And she hasn't even looked at me. And finally she rocks back on her heels. And she leans forward and she starts to yell in my face. I'm so glad that you talk to people about hope, because I'm sick and tired. Nobody takes responsibility for anything anymore. And I'm sick of it. I'm just shouting in my face. And I'm looking at this little woman and thinking Lord Jesus, what do I do with that? And she's shouting in my face and like a bell on a clear more Morning, I heard the Holy Spirit's say, I want you to point blank her with what I've done for you. And my first thought, I gotta be honest, was a board a board. She's mad. The guy behind me is mad. Everybody's mad Lord, she's not gonna listen to that time. Jesus, it's really bad time. She's not going to hear it, God. Okay, I'm going in Lord and Lord

Kimberly Hobbs  
She's got her armor on. She's on a mission.

Kim Meeder  
Holy Spirit lead me. And so I look at her little blue smock, and I look at her little name tag, and I kid you not it said, Angel. And I said, Angel, honey, you're right. I'm glad that I get a chance to talk to people about hope. Hope is so vitally important to the human heart that I remember, not only the day, but the moment that genuine hope came into my heart. And that was the day that my dad murdered my mom. It was the day that my dad took his life. And that was the day that genuine hope came into my heart. And that was the day that Jesus Christ came in. And he's never left. Not then not now. Not ever. But God. This girl, she looked like I had shot her with an arrow. She just went, Oh. She didn't move. She didn't breathe. She stood like a statue of stone staring at the floor. After what felt like a day. She finally exhales and this beautiful laser blue eyes red hair, this little biscuit who just yelled in my face. exhales and as her eyes start to raise to meet mine. She streaking with giant tears. And in this teeny tiny little girl voice. I hear her squeak. I've never told this to anybody. When I was 12, my mom killed herself right in front of me. Oh my gosh. And Kim, really all I did was just open my arms in this gesture that Oh baby, this hug is for you. And that life ring of Hope was so vital. She didn't even go around the counter. Her knees came up on the counter, and she buried her face in the neck of a total stranger. And in a goodwill line in a little mountain town in Central Oregon. One orphan was met by a former orphan and she was adopted into the kingdom of Jesus Christ because of love. Ladies, if you don't think you have a purpose, you as the one who knows the way. James one five says that you need wisdom. Ask God he'll be glad to tell you follow the Holy Spirit. There's only one of you in all the world needs you now more than ever, ever follow the Holy Spirit in only the ways that you can and release the love and the hope and the salvation that this world is desperate and dying for. Ladies, it's time to stand up for the King of kings. mission in a job to do. You are his masterpiece. God's Word is true. Ephesians 210 You are his masterpiece Kim shows to do the good works that he chose for you you long ago. Come on ladies.

Kimberly Hobbs  
That's right. That's right. And ladies, what you're going through now you may not may not be Kim story. But let let us both tell you as somebody who has backgrounds who has stories of pain and tragedy, that God can turn anything around right him God can take you right where you are. It just takes faith that faith that God talks about in his word that's as small as a little mustard seed that mustard seed faith, that he can take you where you are, he will rescue you and he will do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or imagine according to the power that's at work within you. When you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. You have the Holy Spirit that comes to live inside of you. He will never leave you He will never forsake you never promises that God's word is truth. God is truth. He cannot go back on what he says ladies. So why don't you call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. He says whoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved. So once you call on his name, just like Kim did, she didn't know him. She had heard little things about a person on the cross. But there's power in the name she Hold on the name of the Lord Jesus, Jesus came and rescued her where she was, he will rescue you right where you are. And he will take this story that he is building in your life right now. And ladies, you are going to be used for a magnificent purpose, there will be a person behind the counter that needs you one day that needs to hear your story and you are boldly going to speak that story of life into that person, you will be walking down the street and you are going to see something that is going to happen and you are boldly going to move in that direction. Because as God calls you to His purpose, he's going to use you and you are going to move as he calls you. And you will be used for great and mighty things that you have no idea yet. But you have to do the first step which is call on the name of the Lord Jesus. Let him rescue you from your pain and your hurt. Right, Kim, I'm going on a rant.

Kim Meeder  
We're paying ladies has a purpose. It has a purpose, and he will heal and redeem every ounce of what you give him. And revelations 1210 and 11 is true. Satan is defeated by two things, two things what Jesus Christ did on the cross, it's already happened. It's already done, Satan's already defeated and the spoken word of your testimony...

Kimberly Hobbs  
Your testimony.

Kim Meeder  
...deteats the power of the enemy, when you speak out what Jesus Christ has done for you. The enemy is absolutely defeated. Why do you think he attacks your words so much? He wants you to remain silent, who are you to share anything, just be silent. They don't listen to that lie. You have been deemed that you have an every time you speak out what Jesus Christ has done for you. The enemy is completely defeated. And you've released the love and the hope, the joy, the peace, and everything that you have in Jesus Christ into the heart of another person. It's like throwing a life ring to someone who's drowning. Don't walk by again, if Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior so undid that for you, and I know who did it for me, and I will live 1000 lifetimes of gratitude that they stood in that gap and said, Kimmy, do you know how much Jesus loves you. And now I know. And now that baton of faith has been handed to me. If you could call yourself a Christian, it's handed to you. And now it is your time to run it forward, sister. The day it begins today. ipcn. With you, as you run for the King of Kings read Hebrews 112, one through three, it's true. It's time for us to run this race with our eyes focused on Him, not what hurts that's already been dealt with. Focus on him and what he's done and the healing and the redemption in the salvation. You already have. Now, run that forward for His glory. Sisters, it's time.

Kimberly Hobbs  
That's it your time is now the time is now. Obviously, Kim meter, we are so grateful. Just so grateful this this time has gone by in a flash, I can't even believe it. But Kim has promised that she would come back again, ladies. And we are going to talk to her in more depth and what God has shared and what God has done with this life of just just incredible what she's doing to encourage people. So ladies, we are so grateful that you stepped in today to listen to this podcast, we just want to tell you that yes, God is doing exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can ask or imagine. And you know, we are just so grateful for this group of women that's come together to encourage each other. In the body of Christ, we are encouraging one another to press on through all the difficulties like that love that life throws at us, and to just reach for Jesus because that's where all the answers are ladies, it's in the name of Jesus. Yes. And so know that your life has purpose and plan and here at women were leaders you can use that in just ways. There's so many doors that God is opening up through this ministry. That ladies if you believe with all your heart that God has called you to a purpose and a plan and you just don't know where to use it call us. You come here and we'll we'll use your testimony women need to hear from other women. This encourages them they can identify with you what you've been through, you can have compassion. So we just encourage you both ladies to get involved and women were leaders and we also would like to announce to you that we have the podcast theories Monday, Wednesday and Friday that you can join us each week. And we'd also encourage you to visit our website at women world leaders dot Calm, that's women world And leave us a message there. Or if you need prayer, you can reach out to us there and we would be happy to have one of our prayer warriors contact you, they will pray with you. They will walk you through the word of God, whatever you need, we do not want you to sit there with no help and no place to go. We are here for you, we love you. And we're reaching out to you and by podcast is one of the ways we can do this. We encourage you to please share this podcast with those that may need some hope and some healing and feel like they need to be inspired. So we just thank you for listening to us. And again, join us each Monday, Wednesday and Friday as we explore together God's extravagant love, and your create courageous purpose. Ladies, if if you want to contact us on Facebook as well, we have a private group on Facebook where we share daily devotions. We'd also like to encourage you to come on facebook and join us there for some of the devotions, you can enter, connect with the comment section. So there's always a place for you to be used to be heard, and from his heart to yours. We are women, world leaders, all content is copyrighted. And women, by women were leaders and cannot be used without express written consent. So we just say goodbye, good night, and we hope you'll tune in again. God bless you