Our journeys are not meant to be perfect. We are going to fail. It’s inevitable. It’s not the failure that defines you, it’s what you do after that does. 


I know there are so many of you that are hurting because you’ve been fired or are worried about being fired because of COVID. 

I’ve been there and I know exactly what you’re feeling. I was fired and not only did I get another job, but I also got an increase in my salary! In this episode of Game of Her Own, I share five simple ways to bounce back from being fired!  Y’all they work. I need you to know that this is not the end of your story in sports. We need you. You got this. 



Getting Clear on What Matters Most: https://jahaanblake.com/free/

Learn More about Jahaan's Journey in Episode 25: https://gameofherown.libsyn.com/25


Connect with Jahaan: 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/jahaanblake

Email: [email protected]

Website: jahaanblake.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jahaanblake