Women & Theatre’s For the Past 30 Years series features dramatic monologues about women who have spent the last 3 decades working in different sectors. Developed from research conversations, they reflect the language and lives of ordinary people and put women’s stories, writing and performance centre-stage. 


This episode’s monologue, about a woman who has spent her much of her life as a carer, is followed by W&T's Artistic Director, Janice Connolly, in conversation with Enid Said. They talk about community activism and what has changed for carers since 2014. 


Maggie, 51, Carer, Mother, Mover and Shaker 

Writer: Stephanie Dale // Director: Jo Gleave // Performer: Hema Mangoo // Sound Design: Sam Frankie Fox working with Iain Armstrong // Recorded at Brum Radio.

For the Past 30 Years was originally produced as a live theatre show in 2014, developed in association with Birmingham Repertory Theatre. It was the first show of what became our Women & Work trilogy; followed by Starting Out in 2016, about young women entering the world of work, and Prime Time in 2019, about women in retirement. 


This podcast series has been funded by Arts Council England, The Space, The Sir Barry Jackson Trust, The Feeney Trust and The Cole Charitable Trust.  

This is a free podcast from Women & Theatre. We are a charity so if you would like to support the work we do you can make a donation by visiting our website womenandtheatre.co.uk/support-us

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