I’ve talked before about how the seasons impact our behavior. September tends to be a time of transition while December with it’s darker shorter days brings on reflection and going inward. Now that I know this happens I plan for it and take advantage of it.

But there were some things that came onto my radar unintentionally that prompted the topic of today’s episode: disclosing what I’m afraid to tell you.

Loving What Is

Two weeks ago I was listening to the BNI and the Power of One podcast. There is a segment of the show that happens about once a month where the host, Tim Roberts, brings on a co-host and together they discuss a book together. The book they reviewed that day was Loving What Is by Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell.

Though Loving What Is is not a business book but it’s what I refer to as a life book. These are books that have ideas that are so profound they ripple across every area of life and so can be used to impact business, career, health, finances, you name it.

I was intrigued by what was shared in this podcast and immediately went to Audible to download the audiobook.

The book is centered around what is now popularly called “The Work.” It’s four questions that help you to separate what’s real from what’s made up in your mind so you can let go of angst and suffering.

This book blew me away, has continued to do so, and the timing was perfect as I had a couple of clients who were engaged in doing deeper work to find peace and happiness. I was able to recommend this book to them and they’ve been reporting feeling more peace and freedom around things in their life that were troubling them.

The Lively Show

Then last week I was listening to another of my favorite podcasts, The Lively Show with Jess Lively. This podcast was recommended to me by Kendra Wheeler who has been a guest on Women Taking the Lead. I was hooked immediately. Jess Lively is about 10 years younger than I am which makes her a millennial and I have been appreciating her perspective on the world, work and life.

Jess is very open about her life and right after I started listening to her she went through some rapid and drastic life changes and she’s balance being respectful of the privacy of others and sharing a great deal of her thoughts and feelings knowing it has been helpful to her community. She’s not afraid to talk about finding flow and intuition and she’s interviewed people on her show that I dream about having on Women Taking the Lead. I get a happiness boost every time I see one of her episodes downloading onto my phone.

You can imagine my surprise when last week I hit play on her latest episode and she started talking about how she hasn’t been enjoying the thought of doing future episodes as much as she had in the past. When she did her own inquiry into why she was feeling this way she realized it was because she had been holding some things back and so didn’t feel like the podcast was a place that she could fully express herself like she had been in the past. To clear the air she listed out all the things that she had not been saying on her podcast and it was amazing.

Nothing she said was shocking or earth shattering but you could almost feel with each admission that her load was lifting and she was being herself without effort and letting that come forth however she was in the moment.

I was in awe of her and still am

I too have also been feeling the weight of responsibility with my podcast and my business and my relationships and her admission had me wondering where I have been holding back and being less than forthcoming.

I started doing Byron Katie’s “The Work” and also began listing out what I wanted for my business and my podcast and took a close look at what I had been keeping to myself – not in an attempt to deceive, but more because I wasn’t dealing with feelings that were nagging at me.

Here is my list of things I’ve been afraid to tell you...Listen in!


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