Welcome to this community of women taking the lead!

Our private facebook group is getting more action. I am getting better at starting conversations and you lovely ladies have been very generous in sharing your experiences, practices and resources in the group. It’s like we have our own mini podcast episodes going on there. So, if you’re not in there yet and are interested in joining in on the conversation go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/womentl/.

Sponsorship Opportunities

I also wanted to mention that I am looking for businesses who want to collaborate in supporting Women Taking the Lead and getting their own name out there in the process. I’m already in discussions with a couple of women who I would really love to introduce you to so keep your fingers crossed. If this is an opportunity that interests you go to https://womentakingthelead.com/sponsor-opportunities/

Full Disclosure

I am scared to go big but I want it so bad!

Can you relate to that?

Like a lot of you I know I am capable of so much more but the fear of the unknown and what life would look like if I started playing even bigger causes me to hold back and keep it to myself.

And here’s the bold truth, said openly and directly: I would love to work with you.

I want to be a partner with you in your journey to the top. I want to help you discover your superpowers, identify and honor your values and challenge you to do the next scary thing, knowing I’m cheering you on the whole way.

I’ve been working with women all over the globe. Online video conferencing is a magical thing and allows us to have virtual face-to-face conversations, no matter where we live.

Some things my clients say about me is that I instill a belief in themselves that they didn’t have before working with me; a belief and a confidence that they are fully capable to achieve their goals and a certainty that they will.

What My Clients Tell Me

My superpower is identifying and helping other people to see their own superpowers. And when you own your superpowers and realize the value they have it boosts your confidence and makes you want to go right out and use those superpowers.

My clients also tell me I help them to get focused.

There are so many different strategies and actions we can take to try to hit our goals but which ones will yield the best results for you, with the least amount of effort so you can either increase your bandwidth or find more personal time?

When you are not diverting your energy in too many places you can produce more results.

I work with entrepreneurial women who feel called to something greater.

She has a vision of success that she has not yet attained.

What I’ve come to realize is my clients don’t just want to do well; they want to be in the upper ranks. They want to be the expert in their industry, the person everyone else looks up to. They work really hard, they know their stuff and they in turn want to help others to achieve as well.

This woman comes to me because she’s frustrated. Although she is in a place where those around her would congratulate her, she hasn’t hit that level yet that would signify to her that she has “made it.”

She usually finds her current tasks to be tedious and boring. She’s feeling a calling, a compulsion to “do more” so the everyday tasks remind her that she’s not there yet.

She’s getting restless and looking for distractions. She may be starting to lean into the quick coping methods of food, alcohol, shopping or exercise.

She’s feeling overworked. She’s trying so hard to play bigger with very traction it’s leaving her exhausted.

She has high standards and high expectations of herself and that projects out onto others so she gets annoyed when other people aren’t doing their part. You’ll hear her say things like, “I just want them to do their job” or “why can’t they just do what they said they would do.”

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

The success strategy that has always worked before and gotten her this far won’t get her any further.

She has to change her mindset so she can change her strategy, and she needs to overcome some fears.

My question to you is, are you this woman?

Because this is exactly where I come in and can be of assistance.

I can help you tease out of your current strategy exactly what’s working and what’s not working and together we create a new strategy customized to get you the results you are looking for.

I would love to partner with you!

If this fired you up or made you really scared go to womentakingthelead.com/coaching to get started.

If this description doesn’t exactly match you, no worries. My larger mission is to support all women to own their power and step up as leaders in whatever area of their life they would like to make a difference and that’s what this podcast is all about.

Thank you all for being a part of my journey and here’s to your success!