Are you looking to enhance your leadership skills and create a positive feedback culture within your team?

Constructive feedback is an essential aspect of effective leadership. It empowers team members to grow, improve, and reach their full potential. That's why I have Lynae Remindino back. She’s sharing best practices for providing feedback that drive positive change.

Better yet, Lynae is also sharing a model that guides leaders through feedback meetings, ensuring a collaborative and supportive approach.

In this episode Lynae and I discuss:

💡 The GROW model: Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward. This framework helps guide leaders through the process of providing coaching and feedback.

💡 The importance of reflection first: Take time to evaluate your own role in setting expectations and identify areas for improvement. This prepares you to approach the conversation constructively.

💡 Understanding the value of feedback: Ask yourself why providing feedback is important and how it will benefit the individual, the team, and overall performance.

💡 Shifting your mindset from conflict to coaching: Approach feedback conversations as opportunities for growth and collaboration, rather than focusing on correcting someone or creating conflict.

💡 Fostering open dialogue and understand perspectives: Seek to understand the other person's viewpoint, as their interpretation of events may differ from yours. This allows for a more comprehensive and constructive conversation.


Episode Show Notes: Transcript and links mentioned in this episode.

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Apply to be on an “On-Air Coaching” episode: Are you a female leader who has been promoted in the last year? You are invited to apply to be on the podcast.

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Leadership Coaching: If you are interested in finding out more about my coaching process, the cost of coaching, or how to ask your employer to pay for you to work with a coach.