At 53, Anne Stephany faced a life threatening illness. Her biggest fear was dying without fulfilling her purpose.  Her work has always been service. Now she brings skills and wisdom from two careers and extensive life experience to serve women. Anne empowers women to shine, joyfully living their purpose and proudly creating their legacy. They break through limiting beliefs, effects of trauma and of aging (Anne is going to be 60 next month!) to be free. When not working you can find her at the beach, swimming with whales, and traveling.

Playing Small Moment

Anne found herself making excuses and covering up incidents for an abusive partner. It took her some time before she realized what she was doing, and that she needed to leave. She had to later forgive herself for staying as long as she did.    

The Wake Up Call

Anne’s wake up call came when her doctor told her how close she was to death. She realized she might actually die before she did all the things she was put on earth to do. Life became very precious because there was no time to waste.      

Style of Leadership

Anne is a free spirited leader who leads with her “why”.

Current Leadership Challenge

Anne’s vision and leadership challenge are one in the same. She would like to create a worldwide network of luminescence from women shining, while coming into their power.

What Are You Excited About?

Anne is excited that she is able to share her message by hosting her own podcast. She also is a member of an online learning platform so she shares her message in the best possible way.  

What Does Your Business Support System Look Like?

Anne receives support in many different ways. She has a coach,  mentor and a fitness coach plus she is part of Women’s Groups on Facebook.

Leadership Practice

Meditation is Anne’s secret weapon. It creates a space for her, and in that space answers become clear and she knows what her next steps are.

Book to Develop Leadership

Start With Your Why by Simon Sinek

Advice For Younger Self

“You are enough. You can have and do and be whatever you can dream.”  

Inspirational Quote

"If today were the last day of my life would I want to do what I am about to do today?” ~ Steve Jobs




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