Suzanna McGee is a former Ms. Natural Olympia bodybuilding champion, now a competitive tennis player, author, speaker, raw vegan athlete, and performance and injury prevention specialist with over 25 years of experience. She is certified by the National

Academy of Sports Medicine and holds a Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University. She is also the author of Tennis Fitness for the Love of it and The Athlete’s Simple Guide to a Plant-Based Lifestyle.

Playing Small Moment

Suzanna had never thought about being an entrepreneur until she arrived in Venice Beach, California. A client, who later became her mentor, helped her to realize that she could make a career in the fitness industry. He kept telling her that she needed to get certifications, but she was hard-headed. While she was aware that she knew a lot of things, she didn’t realize the certifications would give her credibility, as she was still adapting to the culture in the US.

The Wake Up Call

Suzanna knew she wanted to spread her knowledge, with the world, by writing a book and speaking. But she feared that her level of the English language would get in the way. Her wake up call came when she decided to start a blog, and people accepted her and along with her accent.

Style of Leadership

Suzanna leads by example. If there is a new way of eating or a new exercise, she always tries it first before telling other people to try it. She also leads by sharing her story. If people see that she can do it, then maybe they think “I can do it too”.

Current Leadership Challenge

Suzanna struggles, because she believes she needs to get her message out to more people, but she really doesn’t like to travel. Speaking through media, like podcasts, may be her way forward to achieving her goals.

What Are You Excited About?

Suzanna has decided she is going to start learning pole fitness. She feels she needs to master this skill and is excited about taking on the challenge.

Leadership Practice

Suzanna says that by being grateful, every day in every way, influences people around her. 

Book to Develop Leadership

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Advice For Younger Self

“Cherish what makes you different.”

Inspirational Quote

“Take small actions daily. Small actions will compound and become bigger every day.” - Suzanna McGee



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