Osayi Emokpae Lasisi is the creator of Happy People Happy Profit, helping create people-systems and strategies for hiring and retaining the right people. She is also the HR Director of Havilah Open Door Limited, an organization with over 3000 staff members, and a recovering U.S. attorney who found that she was more passionate about people than contract agreements. Some of her books include, Invest in People, Invest in Profits, and People are not Stupid.

Playing Small Moment

As a lawyer, Osayi didn’t feel like she was making an impact. Driven by helping others align with their own purposes, she started venturing into side projects, such as writing.

The Wake Up Call

Osayi was dreading going to work and she’d constantly ask herself what excited her. In trying different aspects of her creativity, she realized life is short and she needed to do something more interesting and exciting. So she moved to Nigeria where everything was an adjustment but the best decision she ever made.

Style of Leadership

Participatory leadership is Osayi’s style of leadership. She gets the team involved in decisions making, since she realizes she isn’t an expert at everything.


Current Leadership Challenge

The biggest challenge is finding well-qualified people for different positions.

What Are You Excited About?

Osayi is writing more and working on a new book to get the message out there to those that might not be able to afford her program, as well as working on getting her podcast up and running.

Leadership Practice

Meditation and affirmations, at least 10 to 20 minutes in the morning, are part of Osayi’s daily routine which keeps her centered and grounded.

Book to Develop Leadership

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin

Advice For Younger Self

Life is short. Whatever it is you desire at the moment, it’s up to you to bring it to fruition.

Inspirational Quote

“The desire to do something is proof that you have the power to do it.” ~Wallace D. Wattles

Interview Links

Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/happypeoplehappyprofit/

Website: www.OsayiLasisi.com

Twitter: @OsayiLasisi

Instagram: @OsayiLasisi

Pinterest: @OsayiLasisi

Facebook: facebook.com/osayilasisi


For more resources go to: https://womentakingthelead.com/