Vicky Murgatroyd is a mindset coach and transformation specialist. After losing her Mom and finding out her partner was cheating on her weeks later, she lost herself completely. Discovering the world of personal development, Vicky finally owned the responsibility she had, both towards her failings and then her potential. She now shows other entrepreneurial women that self-awareness and self-knowing are the only way to success.

Playing Small Moment

Vicky's playing small moment was when one of the girls in her group of friends verbally abused her. She slipped into a perception of believing that was her reality, rather than having the confidence to know that she defines herself. Vicky thought if she could make herself unnoticeable, it would all go away.

The Wake Up Call

Vicky’s aha moment happened when she lost her mom, leaving her to feel like she had nobody to fall back on. Vicky learned, from her practitioner, about a new process to help her let go of her emotions. She needed to get over her boundaries in order to get over emotions. It was an emotionally draining process. Vicky didn't notice at the time, but she started to move past her feelings. She could see the light at the end of the long winding tunnel.

Style of Leadership

Naturally introverted, Vicky plays the role of the observer. She gets people to find the answers within themselves. 

What Are You Excited About?

The launch of Vicky's program is in its second stage. Master Your Emotions, which is about a person who can't grow their business bigger than their mindset allows. 

Leadership Practice

Self-reflection, being continually willing to develop yourself. 

Book to Develop Leadership

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

Advice For Younger Self

It is entirely okay to play your own game regarding knowing what you want.

Inspirational Quote

"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday as I inspire others to do the same." ~ Gay Hendricks PhD

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