Stephen Woessner is CEO of Predictive ROI and the host of the brilliant Onward Nation podcast. He is the author of two bestselling books, The Small Business Owner’s Handbook to Search Engine Optimization and Increase Online Sales Through Viral Social Networking. His digital marketing insights have been featured in SUCCESS, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Washington Post, Inc. Magazine and more. His agency blends education in very transparent ways for clients.

A Women Who Has Influenced Your Life

Stephen’s Grandmother, Julia, is a woman who has influenced his life. She was from Greece and her grandchildren called her Yia Yia. She worked side by side with her husband, raising 4 children and 10 grandchildren, while running their own restaurant. Yia Yia came to the US when she was 5 years old and her mother died during child birth shortly after this move. Julia’s father didn’t know how to raise kids, so he sent them to the orphanage and went back to Greece to find a new mother for them. The conditions inside the orphanage were horrific. Julia was a tenacious woman who overcame great odds to obtain her position in life.  She was loving, caring, hardworking, and compassionate. She also taught her children and grandchildren to be entrepreneurs that treat everyone with the respect and dignity they deserve.

What He Sees That Hold Women Back

The impostor syndrome – we are all victims of it. Stephen says you need to have an exorcism to get it out. The issues are: societal roles, peer pressures, and the traditional values or acceptances that may make women the victim. It’s that little voice which sits on your shoulder and says ‘who do you think you are to attempt something so awesome?’ You are doing that to yourself, more than the world is. Be scared and do it anyway!

What He Has Learned from Women

You can be compassionate and tough as nails, at the same time. 

The Necessary Changes

Stephen says there are a couple of things that need to change. Women cannot get hung up on titles. Everyone within an organization can be a leader. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and acknowledge the fact that you are one. Put on your big girl clothes and be a great one! Remember, you are always mentoring 24/7/365, there is never a break whether you acknowledge it or not.

Inspirational Quote

“Procrastination and fear are the enemies of success; the war is long, but the battles are daily.” ~ Noel DeJesus

What Are You Excited About?

Stephen is excited about his daughter blossoming into an amazing nine-year-old. In the business realm, he has many projects in the works. He is writing two books: the first one focuses on strategies of how business owners can use podcasts to increase sales traffic leads and sales, which is due out in the fall of 2016. The second book concentrates on the knowledge that they have extracted from their onward nation podcasts, which is due out in early 2017. Predictive ROI launched a brand new service called Sales Generating Podcasts.

Interview Links

Bob Newhart’s SNL “Stop It” video: