Hello everyone and thank you for joining me! And hello November! The countdown is on to the holidays. When I think of the holidays I think of busy and I want to share with you an insight I had recently around the whole concept of busy.

I, like many of you, dream of a time in the near future when things will settle down and there will be an opportunity to move at a slower pace and enjoy a phase where not much is going on.

The insight I had was there really is no slow time of year. Sure, certain activities slow down at certain times of year but then other activities creep in to take their place. I remember when I was in my office job summer was a slow time of year in terms of how much mail we were getting, so the day-to-day workload was lighter. However, this was also the time of year many people were taking vacation so it wasn’t uncommon to have weeks where we were staffed at 70% or less. This was also the time of year projects needed to be completed because we didn’t’ have time for them the rest of the year.

Now that summertime is over and the kids are back at school and we’re not yet in the thick of the holidays you would think this would be the time of year when things slow down. I don’t know about you but I am as busy as ever. I’ve mentioned before we had our BNI chapter leadership transition and The Maine Women’s Conference has been in a recruiting phase for board members and volunteers.

In my business there have been a surge of networking events and meetings because now is the time everyone has the time to give to their businesses. They are typically not distracted by vacations, staffing issues, back-to-school, holiday parties, etc.

My point is I’m thinking we need to give up the notion that there will be a time when we are not busy. This may sound like bad news but it actually gives you some freedom. Knowing you will always have things that will occupy your time you now can make a choice on what will take up your time. Use your time for the things that bring you satisfaction, fulfillment and even enjoyment, and don’t give it to things that feel like a burden or an obligation.

Also, you and I have choice in how we feel about how we are spending our time. There is nothing inherently wrong with being busy if you like what you are spending your time on. Busy is only a negative if what is keeping you busy is taking you away from what’s important to you. If that resonates, you my friend, have some decisions to make. If it doesn’t feel in alignment with who you are and how you want to live, change it.

And you know what? This isn’t even the topic for today’s episode. It’s just my random thoughts. However, it’s not a bad lead in because today I’m continuing my review of Tara Mohr’s book, Playing Big. I don’t even know if review is the right word. Rather, I’m listening to the audio version of Playing Big and sharing some of the content that jumped out at me and my thoughts on it.

This time I wanted to talk about chapter 2, titled…

The Voice of Inner Wisdom

You can also tap into your inner wisdom to help craft your 2019 goals and if you’re at the workshop I’m doing on December 4th in Portland, Maine, you will definitely be accessing your inner wisdom and that of the 32 other women who will be there.

If you want to come out strong in 2019 you’re going to want to set your goals for next year before the New Year starts. December is the perfect time to plan, prepare and get excited about the year to come.

For me, goal setting is the process that gives me more clarity and structure around what is going to bring me to life. That’s why I call my goal setting process “creating goals that are worthy of you.” Goals that are worthy of you are exciting and feel good. You are called and compelled to achieve a goal that is worthy of you. It gives you that extra bounce to do what needs to be done.

Goal setting is the support system to playing big. It is because of my ability to set these personalized goals that I’ve been able to run a marathon, start a business, launch a podcast, write a book, become a national speaker and workshop facilitator, as well as do 1000 burpees in one workout, increase the profits in my business and do a live event.

My goal setting system is very personalized because the goals that have brought me to life are not the goals that will bring you to life. This process will help you to create and achieve goals that are a perfect fit for you.

It’s time to toss out the old arbitrary formula for setting goals and create goals that not only represent who you are and the life you want to live, they will guide you to let go of who you are not and old patterns that do not work for you as you move toward your goal.

In this workshop you and I will:

Explore what has worked and not worked for you in the past Create goals that are what you want for yourself, rather than what others want for you Learn how to leverage your superpowers in the attainment of your goal Create a way to track your progress to sustain momentum Identify who you need to be to achieve your goals (missing from most goal setting systems and yet so crucial to your success!)

This process is going to reveal your Highest Self.

If you are done with suffering through the struggle of goals that are not aligned with your strengths, or dealing with the heartbreak of an unattained goal this workshop is for you!

Date:  Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Time:  9:00 am-2:30 pm, Doors open at 8:30 am.

Location:  CoworkHERS, 411 Congress St, Portland ME

Parking:  All-day parking at the Temple Street Garage included in the price of the workshop.

Price: $175, Early bird price of $125 until 11/23/2018

However, this space can only hold 32 participants and tickets have already been sold so don’t wait for the last minute to register. Get signed up now. Go to womentakingthelead.com/goals2019 and reserve your seat!

As always, I hope this was of value to you and here’s to your success!

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Create Goals that are Worthy of you: If you are done with either pursuing vanilla goals, suffering through the struggle of goals that are not aligned with your strengths, or dealing with heartbreak of an unattainable goal this course is for you!

Private Facebook Community: Chat, share and collaborate with other women listening to the podcast!

Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to Doing: A simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.