Stacy Curtis interviews fascinating people on her podcast at Her latest project –, a Lifestory Laboratory (and memoir writing course) – is taking off. This life story and memoir telling project is the culmination of years working to understand the psychology and art of life story writing, and making it easy for others to write their stories. It’s valuable to trace your trouble, transcribe your tale, and transform your life.

Click to tweet: .@WriteOfYourLife is sharing her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead! ▶

Playing Small Moment

Stacy’s first husband cheated on her. After he told her he wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay with her or leave, she sat by the phone waiting for him to choose her. During a memoir writing class, she realized that she had never raised her hand. Not speaking up had become her life theme.

The Wake Up Call

Stacy ended up in a second marriage, this time with a sociopath. She signed onto her computer for her daughter and spotted her husband’s Craigslist ad, soliciting himself to couples. Stacy’s realized that her kids would end up in similar relationships if she didn’t get up to show them how to stand up for themselves.

Style of Leadership

Stacy leads by encouragement. She guides people through her course by trying new things and encouraging experimentation.

What Are You Excited About?

Stacy is excited about her podcast,, which gives her the chance to connect with so many different people. Her work helps her learn more about herself.

Leadership Practice

Grace to herself and to others. Stacy has been given grace so many times when she has failed, so she is sure to spread it to others.

Book to Develop Leadership

One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do by Phil Cooke

What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

Raise your hand! Take the spotlight; you are not responsible for other people’s feelings.

Inspirational Quote

“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.” ~ Thomas Edison

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