Sisters! Women's right to our reproductive freedom is under attack AGAIN because patriarchy seeks to control women and women's bodies regardless of the year we are living in. In this 38th edition of WLRN's monthly podcast, we explore the issue of abortion.

First up, hear WLRN's world news segment as written by Damayanti and delivered by Jenna Di Quarto. Next, enjoy Fallopian Rhapsody by the 90's band Lunachicks before hearing an interview Thistle did with MaryLou Singleton, midwife and women's healthcare advocate based in New Mexico. Then stay tuned for excerpts of an interview Julia Beck did with Judith Arcana of the Jane Collective last Spring. Finally, hear Sekhmet SheOwl's powerful commentary on the radical feminist politics of abortion and where our feminist conversations on this topic fall short.

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