Women’s Health, Wisdom, and. . . WINE!  is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients, and healers about complex reproductive medicine and women’s health challenges, the value of an integrative approach to these challenges, many of the women’s health topics you’re already thinking about but uncomfortable talking about, and my personal favorite. . . WINE!

One of the most significant and exciting changes one can experience in life is starting a family. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is helping many people start (and grow) their families. Beyond ART, though, family formation is important because families are at the heart of numerous decisions, roles, and responsibilities with implications for understanding the well-being of families, adults and children.

The process of building a family beyond the traditional "when-sperm-meets-egg" route including the complexities of surrogacy, genetic material donation, and adoption can oftentimes be tricky. As an individual or couple embarks on this journey, oftentimes legal assistance is needed (and recommended) to successfully navigate the legal process of building a family.

About Sherry:
Sherry Fox is  a native New Yorker born in Queens to Caribbean parents who instilled in her a deep and abiding love for food. She has two children and a bonus child who keeps her very busy and are constant sources of laughter. She enjoys being active, is a proud Gryffindor, and loves reading Jane Austen novels.

She recognizes that building a family can involve many complex issues. For that reason, she provides her clients with step by step support and advice, acknowledging that this is an emotional journey that requires both sensitive attention and legal acumen, in order to make the process towards parenthood as smooth as possible.

She is honored to assist all types of families, including individuals, heterosexual couples, and same-sex couples. She works with intended parents, gestational carriers, and donors as they navigate the journey of assisted family formation.

Resources Mentioned:
I Want to Put a Baby In You Podcast
The Broken Brown Egg

Connect with Sherry:

The podcast's hashtag is #nourishyourflourish. You can also find our practice on the following social media outlets:

Facebook: The Eudaimonia Center
Instagram: theeudaimoniacenter
Twitter: eu_daimonism

For more reproductive medicine and women's health information and other valuable resources, make sure to visit our website.

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