The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & healers about complex reproductive medicine & women's health challenges, the value of an integrative approach to these challenges, many of the women's health topics you're already thinking about & uncomfortable talking about & my personal favorite... WINE!

To end the year, we're talking about ten key questions that you, the patient need to ask your obstetrician/gynecologist so that you can ensure not only better care, but also a better patient/provider partnership. To continue, we consider the responses to these three KEY questions:

Do you think there is any merit in a woman giving birth without pain medication or medical intervention? Do you believe it’s even possible?Why do you think the US has the highest maternal death rate in the developed world? And why are maternal mortality rates continually rising?What do you think is an acceptable amount of time to be in labor before giving Pitocin®️ to “help things along”?

The hashtag for the podcast is #nourishyourflourish. You can also find our practice on the following social media outlets:

Facebook: The Eudaimonia Center
Instagram: theeudaimoniacenter
Twitter: eu_daimonism

For more reproductive medicine and women's health information and other valuable resources, make sure to visit our website.

Have a question, comment, or want to share your story? Email us at [email protected].

Be sure to subscribe and follow the Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast wherever you listen to podcasts so you never miss an episode.