We’re taking a field trip away from our regular Women’s Health Interrupted content to bring you a special mini series!

Hosted by Dr. Marina Adshade and Damara Featherstone, this mini-series aims to find out what every women’s health researcher should know about socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic status is a combination of economic factors—like income, education and occupation—and social factors including gender, race, country of origin, and much more. By talking with experts in the arts and humanities, we will get to the bottom of this question, and show how important it is that we all work together, to improve women’s health.

Join us every second Wednesday of the month starting September 14th for 5 information packed episodes!

More UBC Medicine Learning Network podcasts are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and your favourite podcatcher. Just search "UBC Medicine Learning Network". 

Learn more about the UBC Women's Health Research Cluster at their website: https://womenshealthresearch.ubc.ca/

Follow UBCMLN at @ubcmedvid on all social platforms. 

(C) 2022 UBC Medicine Learning Network