Full show notes available at: www.valerielavignelife.com/77

Episode Sponsor: AWAKENING ABUNDANCEmoney mindset course & group coaching program. [2:06] My Story: How I became an entrepreneur [4:37] PASSION;PURPOSE [5:18] SELF-MOTIVATION Some of the ways I stay self-motivated:

#1. Celebrate Your Wins

#2. Create a "Feel Good" Folder

#3. Call Your Tribe

[7:45] OPEN-MINDED Episode #63: How to Fail & Make Happiness Your Compass Reframe Failure:

#1. Learning Opportunity

#2. Skill Development

#3. Falling Forward

[9:46] DETERMINED, DEDICATED   [10:05] CLARITY, DISCIPLINE [10:39] KNOW THEIR AUDIENCE [10:52] PERSEVERANCE, ENDURANCE, and PATIENCE  [11:33] ADAPTABLE, FLEXIBLE [12:01] CREATIVES; IDEA PEOPLE, INGENUITY [12:25] PROBLEM SOLVERS [12:32] RESOURCEFUL [13:05] MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION SKILLS [13:36] COMMUNICATION SKILLS [14:07] AUTHENTICITY; HONESTY; TRANSPARENCY [14:30] SALES SKILLS [14:42] GREAT LEADERS [15:01] EXECUTE; ACTION/RIST TAKERS [15:37] COURAGE [16:24] INVEST IN THEMSEVLVES [17:01] HAVE GRIT [17:23] ABILITY TO SET HEALTHY BOUNDARIES [18:23] EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE BOOK: Emotional Intelligenceby Daniel Goleman [19:12] ALWAYS LEARNING [19:40] NETWORKING SKILLS [20:27] How to support the entrepreneurs in your life Share their content on social media - repost the posts that speak to you, comment and like their content. Pay (full price) for their services, products, or events - buy a ticket, be an audience member at their talk, show up for them. Tell them they're doing a good job - everyone needs a little encouragement once in a while, send them a message. Recommend them to your friends and family. Write a positive review. Connect with me! @vallavigne life on Instagram