FREE: Organize Your Business Booklet here! Organize Your Office Space Marie Kondo Create Your Content Calendar Perfect Your Project Management System Asana
Basecamp Consolidate Your Calendars & Schedules Google Calendar
iCalendar Master Time Management Pomodoro Technique:25 minutes working time separated by 5 minute breaks (helpful for improving short-term focus) ABCDE Method:write out a list of everything you have to do that day on paper. Label the tasks accordingly:
A = most important
B = minor consequences
C = no consequences
D = delegate
E = eliminate
Spend your time on the more valuable activities (A,B,C) in that order without switching before the first task is complete 80/20 Rule:80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts Travel & Events Business Babes Collective(Canada & USA)
Toronto Business Babes(GTA)
The Atelier Collective(GTA) Women's Business Inspired Retreats:
The Girls Trip(worldwide)
Pangea Dreams(worldwide) Get the "Organize Your Business Booklet" here!