FREE Road Map to Creating Healthy Boundaries + full show notes at:

More on boundaries + business in E30 Q&A: Business & Leadership What are "Boundaries" #1 GET CLEAR On your goal/intention/values/priorities/why #2 CREATE Your dream morning/day/week #3 EVALUATE Look at your current schedule and decide what changes need to be made Book: Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy (influencer link to #4 CHOOSE An official start date... TOMORROW! #5 SCHEDULE Check-ins to make sure you’re on the right track Refocus/ get back into alignment where/when you need to BONUS: hire “Schedule Security” to guard your time and calendar. This person manages your schedule and is perfect if you have trouble saying “no” they know your boundaries and protect your time! #6 PRACTICE Saying “no” with love. #7 CELEBRATE Your success! Grab your free Roadmap to Creating Healthy Boundaries here