www.valerielavignelife.com/114 for full show notes + links mentioned in this episode.


[00:29] Are you into the woo?
Astrology, Human Design, Chakras, Kabalha, Tarot, Oracle cards, Numerology, etc.


I like to think of these unique tools as an extension of personal development.


[2:30] What is our Inner Wisdom?
The spiritual nudges, gut feelings, inspirational thoughts, intuition, and more.


[3:25] How can we tap into it? 

Through trust and connection comes clarity, and clarity comes with practice.

[10:45] What does embracing it feel like? AND WHERE can we feel our inner wisdom?


[11:28] HUMAN DESIGN: 5 Authorities

BOOK: Human Design Discover the Person You Were Born to Be


#1 Emotions Authority “Be Emotionally Clear”

Find lasting emotional clarity in spite of the (emotional) storms

BOOK: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman 

Witness your emotions 

Emotional balance will bring clarity 

Feel out your senses


#2 Sacral Authority “Follow Your Gut”

Follow AND TRUST your gut

This internal guidance system is effective when in response. Which means it is designed to wait until there is a clear response that speaks from the lower belly with uh-huh or uh-uh

It’s a sensation of being drawn toward or pushed/repelled away

Respond to a request and then FEEL OUT if this is right for you


#3 Heart Authority “Do What You Want”

Tune into your heart’s desires!

It is a direct authority: You might say something lik “I want it, so I’m going to make it happen”

Once you set your heart on something, your innate drive cannot be stopped

Your heart is drawing you to, or pulling you away from something

This is personal, and very powerful, do not be lured by someone else’s heart/passion it must be YOURS


#4 Self Authority “Be True to Yourself”

When you know, you know

Subtle and deeply present; this is something only YOU will understand

Trust the space in your inner sternum, if you have this authority you will feel it

You might say something like, “I can’t explain it, I just know it!”

Don’t rush away from this knowing, trust it undeniably!


#5 Outer Authority “Accessing Intelligence”

This is unique because it does not have a prompt, but instead has an external process that helps you discover your inner truth

You will weigh, balance, check and double check before making a decision

This requires PATIENCE + and OPEN VIEW of all situations 

What’s cool about this authority is that you are able to access everyone else's perspectives, concepts and ideas and turn them into your very own wisdom

So your decision making relies on others… here’s the best part; or should I say the WOO part: over a period of 29 days. This time period is because it relates to the movements and phases of the moon. 

Yes, that’s right the lunar cycle plays a very important role here.

Is this all new to you? Cool, get yourself on google and figure out the lunar phases and start recording them in your calendar. Then when you’re faced with a decision, map out 29 days later and write in your calendar “decision day” For that month, do your research, ask questions, read books, etc.

Now it might not always be realistic, but if you can make it happen, it is highly recommended.


Not sure which authority you are? I learned all of this from a book: HUMAN DESIGN Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

Get your human design profile here: www.humandesignforusall.com


[23:00] Using your inner wisdom to make difficult decisions 

Step One: Get calm




Step Two: Release force

Step Three: Be patient


[26:38] Essential Oils for Intuition

Oils for Awareness:





Black pepper




Oils for Enlightened:




Clary sage




Roman chamomile

Blue tansy


Clarity Blend

BOOK: I Am Fabulous by Desiree Mangandog

Clarity is an excellent blend for those who struggle with constant confusion especially those who experience “foggy brain.” SOme describe it as a dark cloud in and around the head. The oils in Clarity open up the mind and get rid of the muck that creates low energy. You will be able to hear yourself think, be very present when communicating with others and radiate vibrant energy.

Place drops in a 5ml (or 10ml) roller bottle. Fill the rest with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to the back of the neck, temples and inside of elbow creases.

5 drops Eucalyptus
3 drops Douglas Fir
5 drops Lemon
2 drops Peppermint
1 drop Rosemary
1 drop Melissa
1 drop Wintergreen
3 drops Lemongrass
1 drop Cardamom

[28:37] Journaling about the “Proof”

Observe and be the witness of your past and your experiences so that you can learn from them, when you make decisions from your authority, what happens? When you start to trust your inner wisdom, what happens? Record the evidence that proves you can trust your inner wisdom.


[29:44]  Attracting Abundance

Focusing on attraction means believing you are aligned with the work you are meant to be doing, you are guided to the people you need you. Embrace this and trust this fully. Showing p as your authentic self, is going to attract more authentic people into your life and the people who are on your vibrational level.


TAKE ACTION! Get to know yourself more through whatever YOU feel called too, use human design, journalling, meditation, however YOU FEEL DRAWN or what you feel PULLED TOWARD! Let’s continue the conversation on instagram @vallavignelife