Previous Episode: E05: Winter Wellness Tips

#6 "Strive to make everyday the best day of your life, because there is no good reason not to."
- Hal Elrod I AM A MORNING PERSON and I’m proud of it!


My mornings are a sacred time. In Ayurvedic practices there is a time of day that is called Brahmamuhurtha which translates to “The Creator’s Hour” and this is approximately 1hr 36min before sunrise. Yoga masters believe that this is the best time to meditate.

When I first became a yoga teacher I used to teach yoga at 6am Monday through Friday. I loved these classes! It was as if only the students and I existed at this time of day. Especially when it was darker in the mornings. There was an energy of stillness, magic, and possibilities.

And even though I don’t share this time with students, I have kept my mornings as sacred time and I am grateful to be sharing this morning routine and rituals with you.

Before I go into details about my morning routine, I wanted to touch on the importance of mornings.

This is the perfect time to be Setting the Intention for your day
I want you to think back to this morning and ask yourself: “How did I start my day today?” When your eyes opened to this day, what thoughts, or words, or actions did you take? Did you spring out of bed and rush into the day? Did you hit snooze and roll over for 9 more minutes? Did you take a breath and say something you were grateful for? Did you decide what kind of human you wanted to be today?

This is the best time to pause and decide: What is my intention for this day? How do I want to feel today?

Increase Your Efficiency
When you have a morning routine – something you do each day as habits or rituals – this reduces the need to make decisions daily. By following your routine, you know what needs to be done without having to think or decide or contemplate too much. When it comes time later in the day to make important decisions, you’ll be to do so more efficiently and effectively because you have the energy.

Reduce Anxiety
Creating practices that are calming and grounding can be incredibly helpful for anyone who struggles with anxiety or there is an increase in stress. If something were to suddenly change, there are still parts of your life (your morning) that can stay the same and this helps with these transformations.Most of the time this is the only part of the day we can really control.

For example, if you’re travelling, you can always make your bed, or journal, or use a certain product that is part of your routine at home.

Here is my morning routine:
Wake up + Make Bed:

This is how I started my morning routine over a year ago. Everything else has slowly been incorporated over the last 12+ months This is THE SIMPLEST thing to do when you wake up, it’s a quick + easy win for the day, and if nothing else in your day goes right, at least you can come home to a freshly made bed. Oil Pulling (2x/week): Coconut Oil ½ tbsp 1 drop of Clove Oil: stimulating, energizing, and warming. Cleanses the mouth powerful w/antioxidant properties. One drop can clean teeth + gums and promote fresh breath Greens: Amazing Grass Greens Superfood 1 scoop with ½ c water and 1 ice cube Mito2Max (x2): Caffeine-free energy boost My pre-workout supplement that is formulated with plant extracts and support healthy cellular function, aerobic capacity, and stamina without harmful stimulants.


Workout at the Gym (4-6x/week): Upper Body (2) Lower Body (2-3) Plyometrics or Cardio (1) Shower After my shower I diffuse peppermint + wild orange to help me focus and stay positive for the day ahead. I love this fresh and simple oil combo! Skincare Routine Face: Veráge Skincare line: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Moisturizer Face: Yarrow|Pom oil mixed in with moisturizer: two words: DEWY GLOW! Body: Hydrating Body Mist with Beautiful Blend. I am obsessed with this and I use it all the time. It’s also a ritual for me in clearing my energy, and I think of it as a protective layer for my energy. I am an intuitive empath, meaning I feel a lot of what other people are feeling around me, I can pick up on other people’s moods and energies, and because I spend a lot of time around other people I like to create a practice to protect myself from negativity, or low-energy. Supplements Lifelong Vitality Pack On Guard softgel Bone Broth and/or Bulletproof Coffee BB: Organika Chicken Bone Broth BPC: Nespresso, 1 tbsp Ghee, 1 tbsp MCT oil, splash of Almond Milk + sprinkle of cinnamon Journaling + Daily Intentions Who do I want to be today? What skills must I develop? How can I make a difference and serve with excellence? Day Overview Review my 3-5 things that I am meant to do (check out this blog post all about My 3-5 System) Look at my calendar and make any notes for the day Prioritize what needs to be done TODAY (or in the next couple days) and then take action NOTE: When I’m looking at my calendar I chunk out 2 hour sessions of being on my computer. After those two hours I go and do other things (tidying up my space, walking my dog, meditate, use essential oils, get outside for fresh air, have a snack or meal, read, talk to people, run an errand or two, etc.)


Reflect on your current morning routine. What parts of your routine do you enjoy? What parts of your routine would you like to transform? Write out a few things you would like to incorporate into your morning and add in one at a time. Stack your habits: Start with one new ritual or activity, and when it becomes a habit, add in another one. Repeat.

If you’re not a morning person, but you want to become one…
#1. Stop telling yourself that you’re not a morning person – because you’re just going to be forcing your body to do something you don’t actually want it to. Every day, when you wake up set the intention to be a morning person.

#2. Start with setting your alarm 5 minutes earlier each day until you wake up at the time you want. For example: You currently wake up at 7am but you want to wake up at 6am:
Day one: set alarm for 6:55 am
Day two: set alarm for 6:50 am
Day three: set alarm for 6:45 am
Day eleven: set alarm for 6:05 am
Day twelve: set alarm for 6:00 am

If you get stuck on a time, 6:30 am, for example, don’t jump from 6:30 to 6:15 just work your way to 6:00 am. Also, don’t add a million things to do in the morning just because you’re waking up a bit earlier each day. Keep it simple, do whatever you do when you first wake up, just a little earlier.


#3. If you’re waking up earlier, you’re probably going to have to go to bed earlier too. I wake up at 5:30 am and that usually means I’m in bed by 9:30 most nights.

#4. Give yourself credit for putting in the effort. Changing your routine isn’t always easy, be kind and patient with yourself – you’ve got this!

Book: Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod


Morning Oils
Diffuser Blend: Peppermint, Wild Orange
Energy Roller: dōTERRA Motivate Blend, Spearmint
Bottoms of my Feet: dōTERRA Balance Blend
For Oil Pulling: Clove
Skin Care Routine: Yarrow | Pom, Veráge Skincare Collection
Body: Hydrating Body Mist

Greens: Amazing Grass
Energy Pills: Mito2Max
Daily Vitamin, Omega, + Digestive Enzyme: Lifelong Vitality Pack