Video + Full Show Notes available at Leave a review on iTunes HERE About Dominque Cheshire INSTAGRAM: @domchesh "Embodied Alchemy/Living"
Dominque's Accident
Brain Trauma & Post-Accident Rehabilitation Do One Thing a Day A small, manageable task every day to focus on
The feeling of completion
The power of physical movement Building Your Healing Toolkit Mentors, teachers, trainings, relationships  How to Cultivate Embodied Living When you're healing it's for the long-game There's no quick-fix; it's on-going
Self-love and self-awareness through the emotional and mental rehabilitation as well
The ability to make choices every day How do find the motivation to you start? Slowly cultivating a practice/relationship of self-awareness
Get curious, ask your body questions
Break it down into [6 week] periods/time intervals  SUPER SELF LOVE Be kind [really] to yourself
Check in and remind yourself what you've been through, and how strong you are Shifting You Developing the Skill to Get Clear on Your Priorities Shifting the kindness and priority to your health and healing Resilience in Healing Intense dis-association
Going back now to heal wounds with new strength Explain Embodied Living: Turning inwards and making choices based on what's happened for your, and life because life is meant to be lived Kind Curiosity  Continuing to ask questions and develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence Small growth overtime; little improvements over time Feeling like your best self and feeling like you have a say in your life Embodied Living/Empowered Living: Being conscious and aware enough to make choices for yourself in different aspects of your life Where do we start to open up the unpacked boxes of our past traumas/troubles? Step one:Do nothing. Get still, get quiet. Step two:Check in with your breath. Mindfully connect to the life force energy within your body. Step three:Get honest with your starting point; where are you right now? Check in each day. Step four:Consistent check-ins with yourself throughout the day Navigating the spiritual self once you've "unlocked/opened the door" Find a way to move that serves you well. Choose a movement practice that works best for you (marathon training, weight lifting, walking, yoga, whatever YOU resonate with). Physically move the "stuff" around; do it in a way that feels good for you. Advice for People who Want to Get More Curious/Deepen their Spiritual Practice + What to Expect Where can we find you and follow you!? Instagram "The Big H" Podcast Coming Soon! Rapid Fire Questions BOOKS For Trauma: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
Confidence in Creativity: Big Magicby Elizabeth Gilbert
Currently Reading: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson What do You Love Most about Being a Woman? How powerful I feel; sensuality + self-love What does Empowerment Mean to You? Feeling like you have a say; have a choice and being an active participant in your life. What are you Currently Working Toward? The podcast, growing/expand the business, and making more time for play! THANK YOU SO MUCH DOM!!