A former nun, teacher, relationship author of The Marriage Plan: How To

Marry Your Soul Mate In One Year Or Less, owner of Jordan De-Laurenti, Inc., a

training and contract management company and a small business columnist for the Dallas Times-Herald, Aggie has published numerous articles, blogs, and is author of A Woman’s Voice Should Be Heard: My Journey from the Convent to the Battle for Equality.

Aggie’s life changed when, in 1967, she was offered a fellowship to the University of

Notre Dame while still a Catholic nun. The women at Notre Dame were far less conservative than she. The church was changing. The feminist movement was gaining speed. She heard a speaker who said:  “Men are the action makers, women are the receptacles.” This started her transformation and desire to make sure that women were treated as equals to men. She left the convent in her final year. 

Aggie’s goal is to reach daughters and granddaughters with her work. She talks with large

groups of women, urging them to get out the vote, to vote in legislators who will stop the

decline of access to abortion. At 85, Aggie is proud of her age and has no plans to stop

the work she loves.

It’s women friends who will keep us going.

Connect with Aggie:

Website: https://www.aggiejordan.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aggie-jordan-ph-d-693b9538/

Book: A Woman’s Voice Should Be Heard: My Journey from the Convent to the Battle

for Equality.