Karen Egoff realized at a young age that she has extra gifts. She didn’t know what to do with the energy she felt from others until she became a young woman. Through practice, Karen has learned to manifest healing energy and help relieve aches, pains and chronic conditions in those she works with. She believes in natural, spiritual lifestyles, especially yoga and meditation. 

Older people benefit from these practices. They tend to hold emotion within their bodies, especially in the joints. Aches and pains should not be ignored and can be healed. Karen works with crystals and earth elements that are crucial to our bodies’ well being. Other modalities include Reiki and Craniosacral therapy.

“Yoga helps you through trauma and is life-transforming. Breathing opens up your nervous systems and improves sleep.” - Karen Egoff

Karen helps others experience self-care through her online workshops, yoga classes and meditation circles.

Connect with Karen:

Website: https://mysoulbalance.com/

What’s App: https://call.whatsapp.com/voice/dlgNff5y6XO41as11oKwlo

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/all/?fetchDeterministicClustersOnly=false&heroEntityKey=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_profile%3AACoAAAZH4NcBpymWEqDmbJy5WHqoFM9Ucg3TfS4&keywords=karen%20egoff&origin=RICH_QUERY_TYPEAHEAD_HISTORY&position=0&searchId=8f8f7911-cc2c-42cb-bcd7-c828aaa01980&sid=Z9g