Nora Natof, age 87, now resides in Oak Park, IL, the village that is home to the studio of her grandfather, Frank Lloyd Wright, and many of the homes he designed. The summers Nora spent at Talieslin, her grandfather’s ‘almost’ sustainable community in Wisconsin, influenced her strong advocacy for the environment, the arts, education, and civil rights. Nora highlights her years lobbying against nuclear power plants and co-founding a Montessori school as causes most directly affecting her life. Work enabled Nora to cope with devastating losses through the deaths of family members and divorce after 30 years of marriage.  “My nature,” say Nora, “is to keep moving forward. I always feel I can do it.” At age 77, Nora retired from geriatric nursing, a profession which has fed her passion for end-of-life options and planning. Two themes are threaded throughout Nora’s “good, full life”: living in community and nurturing deep spiritual beliefs. 

I have a very strong belief that you must give back to the society you live in. -Nora Natof

Connect with Nora:

[email protected]