Jennifer is an inspiring advocate of aging. A horrific accident that fatally killed all members of a friend’s family, plus her own bout of unremitting pain from a shingles attack, completely shook her faith. The path she embarked on resulted in authoring her 1st book in 2006: “Becoming Conscious - 1 Woman’s Story of Spiritual Awakening”.  Jennifer takes her work, health, fitness and positive attitude very seriously. At 81 she has totally reinvented herself and has collaborated with 5 authors which led to her publishing her own book, and that led to ghostwriting 2 other books (so far) from scratch.

Remarried to a man 10 years younger, she lives what she says. As you listen to her speak, you unravel the path she took from where she was to where she is now. Her goal at age 90 is to be able to climb 2 flights of stairs carrying 2 bags of groceries.

“What we focus on expands & what we are grateful for multiplies” - Jennifer Grainger 


Growing up with an inactive left brain only means you have so much to look forward to as you learn to develop it.

Copywriting and ghostwriting are similar in name only.

Be conscious of the words we say. Words have so much power.


Connect with Jennifer Grainger:


Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Book: Becoming Conscious - 1 Woman’s Story of Spiritual Awakening

Connect with Gail & Catherine:



Email: [email protected]

Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined


Twitter: @womenover70

Jennifer is an inspiring advocate of aging. A horrific accident that fatally killed all members of a friend’s family, plus her own bout of unremitting pain from a shingles attack, completely shook her faith. The path she embarked on resulted in authoring her 1st book in 2006: “Becoming Conscious - 1 Woman’s Story of Spiritual Awakening”.  Jennifer takes her work, health, fitness and positive attitude very seriously. At 81 she has totally reinvented herself and has collaborated with 5 authors which led to her publishing her own book, and that led to ghostwriting 2 other books (so far) from scratch.

Remarried to a man 10 years younger, she lives what she says. As you listen to her speak, you unravel the path she took from where she was to where she is now. Her goal at age 90 is to be able to climb 2 flights of stairs carrying 2 bags of groceries.

“What we focus on expands & what we are grateful for multiplies” - Jennifer Grainger 


Growing up with an inactive left brain only means you have so much to look forward to as you learn to develop it.

Copywriting and ghostwriting are similar in name only.

Be conscious of the words we say. Words have so much power.


Connect with Jennifer Grainger:


Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Book: Becoming Conscious - 1 Woman’s Story of Spiritual Awakening

Connect with Gail & Catherine:



Email: [email protected]

Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined


Twitter: @womenover70